integrated business framework

This article provides an overview of the COBIT 5 framework and explains why it is indispensable for every enterprise using IT as a business enabler. This site is also protected by an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate that’s been signed by the U.S. government. An official website of the United States government. One that describes how integrated SFO process enable the achievement of one overarching business objective. Unfortunately, without clear guidance regarding how this may be accomplished, global corporate citizenship will remain a fringe activity and not become a critical component of an organization's core business strategy. 6101); Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C 552); Controlled unclassified information pursuant to Executive Order 13556, Capture award decision appeal information from unsuccessful applicant, Evaluate award decision appeal information from unsuccessful applicant and record results, Provide evaluation results for award decision appeal information from unsuccessful applicant, Provide response concerning award decision appeal to unsuccessful applicant, GRM.030.020 Grant Award Payment Processing, Capture award recipient request for payment and supporting documentation, if any, as specified by Uniform Guidance, "2 CFR 200.305; This version of the BEA should be consulted in conjunction with the Integrated Business Framework Data Alignment Portal (IBF-DAP) for all FY20 investment review and certification actions. 7-97), Verify award recipient bank account information and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide verified award recipient bank account information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine if bond and/or insurance provisions are applicable for award terms and conditions and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide bond and/or insurance provision information for award terms and conditions as specified by Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient bond and/or insurance information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Verify bond and/or insurance information and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide verified bond and/or insurance information as specified by Uniform Guidance, Retrieve award recipient past performance and financial integrity information, if any, from OMB-designated source(s) as specified by Uniform Guidance, Retrieve award recipient single audit findings and corrective action status information, if any, from OMB-designated source as specified by Uniform Guidance, Retrieve award recipient prior suspension or debarment information, if any, from OMB-designated source as specified by Uniform Guidance, Retrieve award recipient risk information from OMB-designated source(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient risk information to determine if there are changes affecting the award recipient risk profile and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results concerning changes to award recipient risk information affecting the award recipient risk profile consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop or document Federal awarding agency and award specific terms and conditions for inclusion in award agreement and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide Federal awarding agency and award specific terms and conditions for inclusion in award agreement consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient provisional or final indirect (F&A) cost rate information consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.414-416; Appendices III-VII to Part 200, Verify award recipient provisional or final indirect (F&A) cost rate information and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.411; Appendix III - VII of Part 200, Provide award recipient verified provisional or final indirect (F&A) cost rate information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine funds obligation information for the award and document results consistent with GAO Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, Government Accountability Office (GAO), Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, Third Edition, Vo. The Federal Integrated Business Framework is a model that enables the Federal …, Resources 7-97); Following the creation of ROUNDMAP™, an Integrated Business Framework (IBF), we found that an integrated business, specifically during times of change, can be far more. M3 Framework single system designed to manage multiple aspects of an organization’s operations in line with multiple standards This framework was developed by a statewide group of business leaders and workforce partners, and is meant to identify the elements and requirements of an integrated business services model for state and regional programs that will best equip them to understand and meet the ongoing workforce needs of Illinois’ businesses. Federal Audit Clearinghouse, Internet Data Entry System (IDES) Instructions, Uniform Guidance, FY 2015-2018, Section 4.8, Provide evaluation results concerning single audit package information completeness and policy compliance consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.512; 2 CFR 200.515; 2 CFR 200.516 Getting the most out of networks means far more than building data transparency. A-50 Revised, Audit Follow-up, Sept. 29, 1982, Provide response to grant recipient or auditor request for technical audit advice and liaison assistance consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine key management single audit liaison(s) to serve as Federal awarding agency point of contact for audits and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide key management single audit liaison(s) to serve as Federal awarding agency point of contact for audits information to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification of action to be taken to grant recipient due to inability or unwillingness to have audit performed consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture request information to reassign key management single audit liaison(s) to serve as Federal awarding agency point of contact for audits consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate request information to reassign key management single audit liaison(s) to serve as Federal awarding agency point of contact for audits and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluations results concerning request information to reassign key management single audit liaison(s) to serve as Federal awarding agency point of contact for audits consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide reassignment information for key management single audit liaison(s) to serve as Federal awarding agency point of contact to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture grant recipient's fiscal year consistent with Uniform Guidance, Retrieve grant recipient's total expenditures by award for recipient's fiscal year from agency-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine grant recipients with expenditures of $750,000 or more in recipient's fiscal year requiring a single audit and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.501; 2 CFR 200.502; 2 CFR 200.504, Provide grant recipients requiring a single audit as specified by Uniform Guidance, Determine grant recipient(s) permitted to undergo audits biennially and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide grant recipient(s) permitted to undergo audits biennially as specified by Uniform Guidance, Match grant recipients requiring a single audit with single audits received, identify past due single audits, and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.501; 2 CHR 200.502; 2 CFR 200.507; 2 CFR 200.512, Provide grant recipient past due single audit information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop and document notification to grant recipients with past due single audit consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to grant recipients with past due single audit consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop agency request to the OMB to change a Type A major program rating from low to high risk for a particular grant recipient and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide agency request to the OMB to change a Type A major program rating from low to high risk for a particular grant recipient consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture approval from OMB to change a Type A program from low to high risk for a particular grant recipient consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop and document notification to grant recipient and auditor of the change in Type A program risk from low to high consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to grant recipient and auditor of the change in Type A program risk from low to high consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture request from grant recipient for a program-specific audit to be conducted as specified by Uniform Guidance, Evaluate grant recipient request for a program-specific audit to be conducted and record results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for grant recipient request for a program-specific audit to be conducted as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to grant recipient of approval/disapproval for a program-specific audit to be conducted as specified by Uniform Guidance, Develop and document request to grant recipient to audit a Federal program as a major program as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide request to grant recipient to audit a Federal program as a major program as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide results concerning Federal awarding agency management decision input for grant recipient audit findings consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture grant recipient response information that Federal program is being audited as a major program based on risk-based approach as specified by Uniform Guidance, Evaluate grant recipient response information that Federal program is being audited as a major program based on risk-based approach and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results concerning grant recipient response information that Federal program is being audited as a major program based on risk-based approach consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture additional grant recipient audits or reviews that have been conducted consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture grant recipient estimated costs for audit of a Federal program as a major program as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results of additional grant recipient audits or reviews that have been determined to be duplicative or overlapping consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to grant recipient that Federal program is to be audited as a major program with the Federal awarding agency paying the cost as specified by Uniform Guidance, Capture grant recipient or auditor request for technical audit advice or liaison assistance consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop response to grant recipient or auditor request for technical audit advice or liaison assistance and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide response to grant recipient or auditor request for technical audit advice or liaison assistance consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture the inability or unwillingness of grant recipient to have single audit performed as specified by Uniform Guidance, Determine action to be taken for the grant recipient's inability or unwillingness to have single audit performed and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide notification of action to be taken to grant recipient concerning inability or unwillingness to have single audit performed consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture grant recipient organizational, identification, and fiscal period information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture grant recipient certification official and contact(s) information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture auditor certification official and contact(s) information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture grant recipient data collection form information as specified by Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.512; 2 CFR 200, Appendix X; Standard Form-Single Audit Compliance (SF-SAC) Data Collection Form for Reporting on Audits of States, Local Governments, Indian Tribes, Institutions of Higher Education, and Nonprofit Organizations for Fiscal Period Ending Dates in 2019, 2020, or 2021, Capture grant recipient audit report information, including current audit findings, risk assessment, corrective action plan, summary schedule of prior audit findings, and other information as specified by Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.507; 2 CFR.200.510; 2 CFR 200.511; 2 CFR 200.513; 2 CFR 200.515; 2 CFR 200.516, Consolidate and document single audit package information consistent with Uniform Guidance. This baseline of government-wide readiness serves as an input for decision making and policy for improving Federal mission support services. Accessibility Information Although each business is unique, the Title 31; OMB Circular A-11, Preparation, Submission and Execution of the Budget, Provide grant program funding and spend plan consistent with U.S. Code and OMB Circular A-11, Retrieve previous award recipients' risk information for similar grant programs from OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Retrieve previous award recipients' risk information for the existing grant program from OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipients' risk information for similar grant programs or the existing grant program, determine trends and patterns of risks, and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results concerning award recipients' risk information trends and patterns for similar grant programs or the existing grant program consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide inter-agency services/funding agreement (e.g., IAA, MOA, MOU, LOA), Develop request to transfer funds between Federal agencies and their existing programs and document results, Provide request to transfer funds between Federal agencies and their existing programs, Retrieve agency grant program(s) information for risk assessment consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate agency grant program(s) information, determine agency-designated high-risk grant program(s), and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide agency-designated high-risk grant program(s) information to appropriate parties consistent with Uniform Guidance, GRM.010.020 Grant Program Funding Opportunity, Determine eligibility criteria and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide eligibility criteria and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop application merit review process and criteria and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide application merit review process and criteria consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop applicant risk evaluation criteria and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide applicant risk evaluation criteria consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine award recipient responsibilities for reporting financial and performance information and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient responsibilities for reporting financial and performance information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine application period and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide application period as specified by Uniform Guidance, Develop application instructions and submission process and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide application instructions consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop conditions for limited denial of participation (e.g., reason, scope, effective date, term) and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide conditions for limited denial of participation as specified by Uniform Guidance, Develop funding opportunity, including all applicable information, route for review and approval and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.203; 2 CFR 200.210; 2 CFR 200.414; Appendix I to Part 200, Provide funding opportunity to OMB-designated source(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop and document notification to award recipient of additional funding availability, including request for an updated project plan, Provide notification to award recipient of additional funding availability, including request for an updated project plan, GRM.020.010 Grant Application Support and Receipt, Capture request from applicant for additional information or guidance pertaining to the funding opportunity consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop response to request from applicant for additional information or guidance pertaining to the funding opportunity and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide response to request from applicant for additional information or guidance pertaining to the funding opportunity consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture request from applicant for additional support to submit an application via postal mail, electronic means, or hand-delivery consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine additional support to submit an application via postal mail, electronic means, or hand-delivery and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide additional support to submit an application via postal mail, electronic means, or hand-delivery consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture application package including supporting documentation as specified by Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 170.100; 2 CFR 170.110; 2 CFR 170.115; 2 CFR 180.335; 2 CFR 200.204-205, Capture required organization certifications, including major non-profit and lobbying organization certifications and representations consistent with Uniform Guidance, "2 CFR 200.208; 2 CFR 200.450; 1. • Integrated Business Planning should be considered a complementary vehicle for driving incremental business performance together with additional improvements to overall Finance Effectiveness such as Management Information. CAP Goal Integrated reporting applies principles and concepts that are focused on bringing greater cohesion and efficiency to the reporting process, and adopting ‘integrated thinking’ as a way of breaking down internal silos and reducing duplication. Sanjiv Sidhu, Chairman and Founder of o9 Solutions, explains Integrated Business Planning and shares the story of Mr. Herman Lay from Frito Lay. Office of the Inspector General 2 CFR 200.26; 2 CFR 200.301; 2 CFR 200.328; Evaluate award recipient improvement plan to address award performance issues and concerns, and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient improvement plan to address award performance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.26; 2 CFR 200.301; 2 CFR 200.328, Provide award recipient's improvement plan to address performance issues and concerns and evaluation results to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to award recipient of approval/disapproval of improvement plan to address award performance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient improvement plan status information against performance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient improvement plan status information against performance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient improvement plan status information against performance issues and concerns to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Identify award recipient performance issues and concerns that have been resolved and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient performance issues and concerns that have been resolved consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification of resolution of award recipient performance issues and concerns to award recipient and appropriate parties consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide resolution of award recipient performance issues and concerns to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Update award recipient risk profile information based on resolution of performance issues and concerns and document results, Provide updated award recipient risk profile information based on resolution of performance issues and concerns, Provide updated award recipient risk profile information based on resolution of performance issues and concerns to OMB-designated source, Identify changes to award agreement terms and conditions based on performance reviews or resolution of performance issues and concerns and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide change information for award agreement terms and conditions based on performance reviews or resolution of performance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate consolidated performance report containing sub-award recipients' performance review results and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for consolidated performance report containing sub-award recipients' compliance review results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient financial information provided by the award recipient consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.41; 2 CFR 200.302; 2 CFR 200.305; 2 CFR 200.327; 2 CFR 200.402; 2 CFR 200.502; 2 CFR 200.508; 2 CFR 200.510-512; Standard Form 425 - Revised 10/11/2011; Standard Form 425a, Evaluate award recipient financial information and record results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient financial information as specified by Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.302; 2 CFR 200.327; 2 CFR 200.502; 2 CFR 200.508; 2 CFR 200.510-512, Evaluate award financial information against award performance accomplishments and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.301; 2 CFR 200.302; 2 CFR 200.327; 2 CFR 200.328, Provide results for evaluation of award financial information against award performance accomplishments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient cost information against award agreement and current non-compliance remedies, including identification of unallowable costs and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.41; 2 CFR 200.302; 2 CFR 200.305; 2 CFR 200.402; 2 CFR 200.411; 2 CFR 200.415; Standard Form 425 - Revised 10/11/2011; Standard Form 425a, Provide evaluation results for award recipient cost information against underlying award agreement, including identification of unallowable costs consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine and document value of goods and services received against advance payment, Provide value of goods and services received against advance payment, Develop and document request for liquidation of liability for advance payment, Provide request for liquidation of liability for advance payment, Evaluate earned interest information on payments in interest-bearing accounts and record results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for earned interest information on payments in interest-bearing accounts as specified by Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient allowable audit costs for services and record results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient allowable audit costs for services as specified by Uniform Guidance, Capture information on cost sharing contributions based on the award agreement consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.306; 2 CFR 200.434; 45 CFR 650.1 thru 650.19, Patents, Evaluate cost sharing contributions and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for cost sharing contributions consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient request to include unrecovered indirect (F&A) costs in cost sharing as specified by Uniform Guidance, Evaluate request to include unrecovered indirect (F&A) costs in cost sharing and record results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for request to include unrecovered indirect (F&A) costs in cost sharing as specified by Uniform Guidance, Determine whether allowable costs were incurred by award recipient during a suspension or after termination and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.342; 45 CFR, Subtitle B, Chapter VI, Part 630, Subpart D, § 630.400, Provide determination results concerning award recipient costs incurred before the effective date of suspension or termination consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine cost adjustments or refunds due to the Federal Government, including interest, and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.410; 2 CFR 200.411; 2 CFR 200.419, Provide cost adjustments or refunds due to the Federal Government, including interest, consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine award liability accrual estimate for award recipient unbilled incurred costs and document results consistent with Federal Financial Accounting Technical Release 12, 2 CFR 200.49-50; 2 CFR 200.327; Federal Financial Accounting Technical Release 12, Accrual Estimates for Grant Programs, Provide award liability accrual estimate for award recipient unbilled incurred costs consistent with Federal Financial Accounting Technical Release 12, Identify and document award recipient financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide guidance information to assist award recipient in addressing financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop and document request to award recipient for additional information concerning financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide request to award recipient for additional information concerning financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture additional information from award recipient concerning financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate additional information from award recipient concerning financial issues and concerns and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for additional information from award recipient concerning financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop and document notification to award recipient of desk review concerning financial issues and concerns and additional information needed to support review, if any, Provide notification to award recipient of desk review concerning financial issues and concerns and additional information needed to support review, if any, Capture additional information from award recipient needed for desk review of financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Retrieve previous award financial information from OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Conduct desk review of financial information and document results, Provide desk review of financial information results, Determine award recipient financial issues and concerns requiring follow-up actions and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient financial issues and concerns requiring follow-up actions consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to award recipient of financial issues and concerns requiring follow-up actions and requesting response consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient financial issues and concerns requiring follow-up actions to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient response to financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient response to financial issues and concerns, and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient response to financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to award recipient to submit improvement plan for financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient improvement plan to address award financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient improvement plan to address award financial issues and concerns, and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.26; 2 CFR 200.302; 2 CFR 200.327, Provide evaluation results for award recipients improvement plan to address award financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient's improvement plan to address financial issues and concerns and evaluation results to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to award recipient of approval/disapproval of improvement plan to address award financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient improvement plan status information against financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient improvement plan status information against financial issues and concerns and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient improvement plan status information against financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient improvement plan status information against financial issues and concerns to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Identify award recipient financial issues and concerns that have been resolved and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient financial issues and concerns that have been resolved consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification of resolution of award recipient financial issues and concerns to award recipient and appropriate parties consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide resolution of award recipient financial issues and concerns to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Update award recipient risk profile information based on resolution of financial issues and concerns and document results, Provide updated award recipient risk profile information based on resolution of financial issues and concerns, Provide updated award recipient risk profile information based on resolution of financial issues and concerns to OMB-designated source, Identify changes to award agreement terms and conditions based on financial reviews or resolution of financial issues and concerns and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide change information for award agreement terms and conditions based on financial reviews or resolution of financial issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture inventory information for Federally owned property and equipment provided to the award recipient or acquired with award funds consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate inventory information for Federally owned property and equipment provided to the award recipient or acquired with award funds and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results inventory information for Federally owned property and equipment consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture consolidated financial report containing sub-award recipients' compliance review results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate consolidated financial report containing sub-award recipients' financial review results and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for consolidated financial report containing sub-award recipients' compliance review results consistent with Uniform Guidance, GRM.040.040 Grant Award Compliance Review, Capture award recipient compliance issues and concerns identified in performance and financial reviews and audit findings consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine desk review date, develop request for additional information from award recipient for compliance desk review, and document results, Provide request for additional information from award recipient for compliance desk review with desk review dates, Develop award recipient pre-site visit checklist information based on program package and award agreement and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient pre-site visit checklist information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification of site visit to award recipient consistent with Uniform Guidance, Retrieve award recipient performance report information, financial report information, audit findings and corrective actions status information, and risk information consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.207; 2 CFR 200.303; 2 CFR 200.327; 2 CFR 200.328; 2 CFR 200.512, Evaluate previous award recipient performance information, financial information, single audit findings and corrective actions status information, and risk information and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for previous award recipient performance report information, financial report information, audit findings and corrective actions status information, and risk information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient compliance with internal control standards and record results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient compliance with internal control standards as specified by Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient procurement policies and procedures as specified by Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.320; 2 CFR 200.324; 2 CFR 200.326; Appendix II to Part 200, Evaluate award recipient procurement policies and procedures conformance to applicable Federal procurement policies and procedures and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.318; 2 CFR 200.320-326; Appendix II to Part 200, Provide evaluation results for award recipient procurement policies and procedures conformance to applicable Federal procurement policies and procedures consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient financial reports for nonprocurement transactions that are not covered transactions (e.g., international organization, foreign government) and record results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient nonprocurement transactions that are not covered transactions as specified by Uniform Guidance, Capture evidence of award recipient compliance with record retention policies as specified by Uniform Guidance, Capture notification from award recipient of a criminal drug conviction as specified by Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient compliance with Federal statutes and regulations, and award agreement terms and conditions and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient compliance with Federal statutes and regulations, and award agreement terms and conditions consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results concerning award recipient policies and processes for managing sub-recipients consistent with Uniform Guidance, Conduct desk review of compliance information and document results, Provide desk review of compliance information results, Provide notification to award recipient of desk review of compliance information results, Provide guidance information to assist award recipient in addressing compliance issues and concerns, Conduct site visit and document compliance review results for award recipient consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide site visit compliance review results for award recipient consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to award recipient concerning site visit compliance review results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine award recipient compliance issues and concerns requiring follow-up actions and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient compliance issues and concerns requiring follow-up actions consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to award recipient of compliance issues and concerns requiring follow-up actions and requesting response consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient compliance issues and concerns requiring follow-up actions to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient response to compliance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient response to compliance issues and concerns, and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient response to compliance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to award recipient to submit improvement plan for compliance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient improvement plan to address award compliance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient improvement plan to address award compliance issues and concerns, and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipients' improvement plan to address award compliance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipients improvement plan to address award compliance issues and concerns and evaluation results to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to award recipient of approval/disapproval of improvement plan to address award compliance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient improvement plan status information against compliance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient improvement plan status information against compliance issues and concerns and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient improvement plan status information against compliance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient improvement plan status information against compliance issues and concerns to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Retrieve single audit corrective action status information for award recipients related to compliance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Identify award recipient compliance issues and concerns that have been resolved and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient compliance issues and concerns that have been resolved consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification of resolution of award recipient compliance issues and concerns to award recipient and appropriate parties consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide resolution of award recipient compliance issues and concerns to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Update award recipient risk profile information based on resolution of compliance issues and concerns and document results, Provide updated award recipient risk profile information based on resolution of compliance issues and concerns, Provide updated award recipient risk profile information based on resolution of compliance issues and concerns to OMB-designated source, Identify changes to award agreement terms and conditions based on compliance reviews or resolution of compliance issues and concerns and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide change information for award agreement terms and conditions based on compliance reviews or resolution of compliance issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine award recipient non-compliance and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient non-compliance determination results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine remedies for award recipient non-compliance (e.g., withhold payments, disallow use of funds, suspension / debarment) and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide remedies for award recipient non-compliance consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to award recipient of non-compliance remedies consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine award full or partial termination information as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide notice of award termination to award recipient consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award full or partial termination information to OMB-designated source(s) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine suspension or debarment of award recipient and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide notification of suspension or debarment to award recipient as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient suspension or debarment information to OMB-designated source(s) as specified by Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 180.155; Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 or Transparency Act—Public Law 109-282, as amended by section 6202(a) of Public Law 110-252 (31 U.S.C. 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