what is the best row spacing for soybeans
3.1 Evaluation of influence of row spacing on yield using producer survey data. Often, row spacing decisions are made based on what equipment is already available. Wright, D., A. Lenssen, and V. Schmitt. Since narrow-row soybean reach canopy closure quicker, it becomes more competitive with weeds, preventing weeds from germinating once the canopy closes. A U of I study over the past two years funded by the Illinois Soybean Association compared 15-inch and 30-inch soybean rows, at different planting dates and seeding rates, over six sites in Illinois. For the 15-inch row-spacing treatment, planting population was 180,000 seeds/acre. Keep in mind that narrow-row soybean is vulnerable to many of the same yield-limiting factors that wide-row soybean encounter. With the greater uptake of no-till and precision farming the opportunities to vary row spacing by crop and sow on the inter-row have increased. Most corn planters are set to plant 30-in. Agronomy Journal 100:704-710. In spite of thisclear advantage, row spacing preferences vary greatly acrossNorth America, and 30-inch row soybeans are common andeven gaining in many areas. NebGuide, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Lincoln, NE. contained within may not be the most current and accurate depending on when it is accessed. Excluding one southern Illinois site where stands were not adequate, 15-inch rows yielded on average 1.5 bushels more than 30-inch rows. "If incidence of disease that can be controlled by fungicide is decreased in wider rows, then we would expect fungicide application to produce less response in wide than in narrow rows.". Factorssuch as equipment costs, work… Just over 50 percent of Illinois soybean fields remain in 15-inch rows. We typically see a yield advantage, however, for soybeans in rows 20 inches or less. Be conscious about past yield-limiting factors, such as brown stem rot, soybean cyst nematode, and white mold, and choose a variety that will appropriately fit your cropping system. One option is to invest in a split-row planter, which works with both corn and soybean for the appropriate row spacing needed for each crop. soybeans are generally planted by using split-row units placed between the 30-in. For example, how will herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides be applied without driving on rows? However, there are farmers who still hold on to their 15-inch split planters for planting corn and soybeans. rows. without further permission if published as written and if credit is given to the author, Integrated Crop Management News, Swoboda, C.M., P. Pedersen, P.D. 1. In most cases, there is no difference between 7.5, 10, 15, or 20 inch row spacing and anything less than 30 inch is therefore consider narrow row spacing. With funding from Ohio … Effect of row width on soybean yield from experiments in Iowa. Equipment expenses are not trivial. A corn planter usually does a better job of planting than a grain drill, but soybeans typically yield about 5% less in 30-inch vs. 7.5 inch row spacing in New York even with lower final stands. Most corn planters are set to plant 30-inch rows, and 15-inch soybeans are generally planted by using split-row units placed between the 30-inch rows… This tends to be effective for applications earlier in the season while aerial applications should be considered for fungicide and insecticide applications later in the season. Esker, and G.P. (800) 262-3804, Iowa State University Soybeans can be susceptible to disease, with their closed canopy creating a humid microclimate. Wide rows are also easier to drive through to spray or cultivate. "Because late-planted soybeans tend to produce smaller plants, we had expected to find that narrower rows would tend to yield more than wide rows when planting was late," said Nafziger. For the 7.5-inch row-spacing treatment, planting population was 195,000 seeds/acre. Copyright © 2020 Iowa State University of Science and Technology. According to Nafziger, these results suggest that choosing to plant in 30-inch rows instead of narrower rows could bring a small yield penalty. Narrow rows and slightly higher planting rates provide a better chance of maximizing yields. The yield difference between 30-inch rows and rows 20 inches or less can be as much as 2.9 bushels per acre, but there are other considerations. Drilled soybean (~7.5 in.) Solid seeded soybeans are those planted in row widths of less than 10 inches, and commonly in a 7-inch row spacing. We prefer the planter for a number of reasons, most of which have to do with precise metering and depth control. A wide range of row spacings have been used successfully in soybean production. 1990. Agriculture Online Crop Talk member JeffO is considering making the switch to 15s. They were seeding there soybeans with 1895 jd disc drills considered to be the best drill out there for soybeans. The increasing width of planters – many are now 60 ft. wide – means that splitting rows with additional units makes planters very heavy. In addition, modern drills have much better depth control than older grain drills. Drilled soybeans will reach canopy a little quicker, which is a good thing. The primary reason for this advantage is light utilization; canopy closure is approximately 15 days earlier in 15-inch rows compared to 30-inch rows. is more If a producer wants to keep the population the same while decreasing row spacing, it is necessary to reduce the number of seeds or plants per foot of row. If you plant corn in 30-inch rows you will plant soybeans in 30-inch rows. For this bulletin, any row spacing less than 28 inches will be considered a narrow row. Narrow row spacings are usually any spacing less than 28 inches. In Ohio, most soybeans are planted in row widths ≤ 15 inches. Soybean populations in 30-inch rows. Copyright © 2020 University of Illinois Board of Trustees. Recommended seeding rates by Minnesota region and maturity group. 3. 2Purdue Extension recommends row spacing between 7.5 and 15 inches for maximum soybean yield. The soybeans were planted in 75-foot by 15-foot plots and were planted perpendicular to the field tile. Ames, IA 50011-2031 Soybeans were drilled with a John Deere 750 no-till drill for the 7.5-inch row-spacing treatment and planted with a … If this article is to be used in any other manner, permission from While soybean used to be planted in 38 inch rows, row spacing of less than 20 inch is preferred regardless of tillage system, rotation sequence, or planting date. If white mold has been consistently problematic in your fields, consider alternative management strategies. Add 000, as all counts are in thousands. How to limit soil compaction. What type of fertilizer do you recommend for growing Eagle soybeans? Research across the Midwest over several years has consistently shown that soybean planted in narrow rows (<30 inches) has a yield advantage compared to wide rows (≥ 30 inches). The increasing width of planters — many are now 60 feet wide — means that splitting rows with additional units makes planters very heavy. Most research suggests that drilled or 15-inch row spacing, compared to 30-inch rows, tends to yield better over time. Another reason given for moving from narrow soybean rows to 30-inch rows is that white mold tends to be more severe when the ground and the lower crop canopy stay wet. In fact, white mold may be more problematic in narrow row soybeans. Links to this article are strongly encouraged, and this article may be republished Still, this advantage will not fully compensate for the yield penalty of late planting. The further north you go, the more of a benefit there is to closing the canopy fast. ", There may be ways to reduce yield loss related to changing to wider rows, but the results of recent research in this area are not conclusive. However, narrow rows tend to have an advantage over wide rows even in late-planting situations because they are able to capture available sunlight more quickly. Determine average row width, in inches (left column). "We know from our research that such loss will not always occur," said Nafziger. Narrow row spacing, mostly 15-inch rows, has gained in popularity in recent years because of the likelihood of increased yields. This increase resulted from drilled soybeans — those with rows less than 10 inches apart — losing ground to 30-inch rows, which now occupy nearly one-third of the soybean acres. Canopy closure earlier in the growing season results in greater light interception and higher growth rates. 3. State & National Extension Partners. Subscribe to receive email alerts when new information is posted. Narrow rows (15 or 18 in) were compared to wide rows (30 or 36 in). Row Spacing. If you plant corn in 20-inch rows soybeans will be planted in 20-inch rows. 2150 Beardshear Hall The information The reason I like 15" rows for the Eagle soybeans is that this spacing allows the roundup ready forage beans to canopy much quicker which means much less maintanance in terms of weed control and soil moisture savings. I screwed up 2 years ago and had one 80 acre field at 3 populations.70,000 ,120000 ,and I reseeded halve at 200,000. Choosing taller, perhaps slightly later, varieties might help the crop capture light better in wider rows. Soybean seeding rates of 90,000 to 120,000 seeds/acre resulted in the highest profitability. Agronomy Journal 103:1712-1716. The average row width in organic soybeans in North Carolina is 30 inches but can be up to 38 inches and as low as 20 inches. Narrow-row soybeans lap row middles sooner, reducing the need for weed control. G90-963. Other potential benefits include less moisture loss, better weed control, and reduced erosion. Nevertheless, it is best to choose a soybean variety based on its productivity rather than on traits for which the benefits are not certain. As herbicide resistance continues to spread, the increased competitiveness with narrow rows is an alternate selection pressure of weeds that will help preserve the value of herbicides. Most corn planters are set to plant 30-inch rows, and 15-inch soybeans are generally planted by using split-row units placed between the 30-inch rows. Air moves better around plants in wider rows, so soybeans in wide rows may be less susceptible to damage by white mold. Debruin, J.L. How to avoid yield loss with late-planted soybeans. Skip row soybeans. Research across the Midwest over several years has consistently shown that soybean planted in narrow rows (<30 inches) has a yield advantage compared to wide rows (≥ 30 inches). "But we have also found that it can, and there's no reason to expect that it won't, at least on average. Elmore, R.W., R.S. The part that was on 70,000 had the best land and yielded better than the rest but had lodged tangled beans. Two Nebraska On-Farm Research data-intensive management studies in 2018 showed no statistical yield difference in see… I prefer, actually, 15 inch rows seeded with a row unit. narrow row concept with cultivation. Row spacing. Additionally, more recent research has shown that corn yields in 30-inch and 20-inch row spacing are similar 50% of the time and benefit the 20-inch row spacing the remainder of the time for currently available genetics and management practices. If brown stem rot, soybean cyst nematode, or white mold are issues in your fields, narrow-row soybean will be affected more severely. This opens the possibility of achieving higher yields and profit margins in soybean years while at least maintaining the status quo in corn years. While NR prevails in the eastern and northern areas, its adoption . Row spacing goes quite a ways in determining soybean seed cost and in-season treatments. The 30-inch plot pictured above yielded 59 bushels per acre while the 15- and 7.5-inch plots pictured yielded 81 and 85 bushels per acre, respectively. For cotton growers, twin row spacing allows corn and soybeans to be planted in twin rows with the same equipment used to plant cotton in a single-row formation with minimal equipment issues. Alternatively, having narrow-row soybean can present some challenges. Most corn planters are set to plant 30-inch rows, and 15-inch soybeans are generally planted by using split-row units placed between the 30-inch rows. Source: De Bruin and Pedersen, 2008; Swoboda et al., 2011. In conclusion, narrow-row spacing can give your fields a yield advantage due to rapid canopy closure resulting in better light utilization. The academic community accepted that after many years of research. The table below shows the planted population, the stand count at harvest, yield and per acre seed cost ($67 for 140,000 seeds) for each of the planting rates. The increasing width of planters — many are now 60 feet wide — means that splitting rows with additional units makes planters very heavy. In June, the soybeans planted in 30-inch rows looked better than the soybeans planted in 15- and 7.5-inch row widths. In areas prone to pathogens like white mold, plant spacing of up to 30 inches may be preferable. Strategies for success, including guidance on dates, maturities, row spacing and planting depth. Row spacing is a management decision that often comes up as a priority for achieving high-yielding soybean. Soybean Planting Rates The suggested soybean planting rates and final stands for different row spacings are provided in Table 4. the author is required. Justifying the cost of a narrow-row planter for a single crop may not be feasible. Soybean yield response to plant distribution in Fusariumvirguliforme infested soils. However, the soybeans planted in 30-inch rows did not achieve canopy closure until after July 15. Similarly, there was little interaction between row width and seeding rate. The trials included the evaluation of row spacing, seeding rate, planting dates, and fertility for both a group III and IV variety. This difference varied among the sites, from no difference to up to nearly four bushels per acre. Soybeans grown in narrow rows (≤ 15 inches) tend to out-yield soybean produced in wide row width (30 inches) due to increased sunlight interception in narrow rows. For soybeans planted on droughty soils in cen- Figure 1. Dr. Mark Licht is an assistant professor and extension cropping systems specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Most of these studies have concluded that planting soybean in narrow rows will increase … Applications of insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides should be made in a way that works with narrow row spacing. Average row spacing in Illinois soybean fields has increased over the past decade after narrowing for several decades before that, according to University of Illinois crop sciences professor Emerson Nafziger. 2013. Row spacing class frequencies were variable across the U.S. soybean production region (Fig. ROW SPACING. Recent research studies on soybeans have shown an average yield advantage of approximately 4 bu/acre with drilled narrow-row and 15-inch row soybeans over soybeans in 30-inch rows. Either determine average spacing between seeds (or plants) in inches (top line) OR determine average number of seeds (or plants)/50 ft. row length (bottom line). This demonstrates that manydifferent considerations beyond simply yield potential canaffect the best practices for each individual grower. Skip-row planting is effective because it does not plant wheel track rows, making it possible for ground applications all season long while providing much of the yield advantage of narrow row spacing. 2. Row Spacing. Read seed drop or plants per acre from table below (intersection of line and column). Today row spacing for soybeans seems to be driven by the row spacing for corn. So, what's the right population for your fields? However, increasing row spacing is not always beneficial to yield. Recent research studies have shown a 3 to 4 bushel per acreyield advantage for soybeans planted in drilled narrow rowsor 15-inch rows compared to 30-inch rows. Generally, there is not much yield difference between 7.5-inch and 15-inch row spacing. That amount is not very noticeable in the field, and some growers who make the switch may conclude that they suffered no yield loss. Munkvold. (No studies in sandy soils). Corn planted in twin rows should have uniform triangular spacing. While narrow-row soybeans will compete more effectively with weeds, row spacing should not be so narrow as to prevent between-row cultivation. Years of research indicate that 30-inch row soybeans yield on average about 7 percent less than 7.5- or 15-inch row soy- beans (Hanna et al., 2007; Oplinger and Philbrook, 1992). 2011. is relatively lower in the central-western areas. For northern soybean growing regions, yield is a function of light capture, he explains. 3). The best and worst conditions to plant in. Yield Advantage Research has been conducted in Michigan to deter- 2008. Canopy closure earlier in the growing season results in … Planting soybeans has gone from 30-inch rows to 7.5-inch rows with a drill back to 15-inch rows with a planter. and P. Pedersen. This is the dominant reason farmers choose not to plant narrow row soybean. Opting not to split large planters means that both corn and soybeans are typically planted in 30-inch rows. His extension, research and teaching program is focused on how to holistically manage Iowa cropping systems to achieve productivity, profitability and en... ISU Extension and Outreach This aspect of narrow rows could result in cost savings in your weed control program. and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. “In Ontario, our growing season is relatively short. The study’s average early season (2 to 4 weeks after planting) established soybean stand was 130,500 plants/acre with the planting rate of 150,000 pls/acre and 163,800 plants/acre with 200,000 pls/acre. A skip-row planting system may prove to be an effective option if aerial application is not desirable. Planting date can influence the potential advantage of narrow rows. A systems approach to row spacing The depth of seed placement and the distance from the adjacent row both influence crop performance. Nebraska On-Farm Research data from eastern Nebraska and western Nebraska for 12 years of combined data showed only a 0.6 bu/ac yield increase when seeding 180,000 soybean seeds/acre compared to 120,000 seeds/acre in 15-inch or 30-inch rows. Row spacings were 14 and 28 inches. Effect of row spacing and seeding rate on soybean yield. However, the data showed that response to row width was as likely with early as with late planting. The studies involved row spacing from 12 to 24 inches in no-till production, and combined other agronomic factors such as different nitrogen rates, seeding rates, weed control and … All rights reserved. rows, and 15-in. Best management practices were used for soybean production during the study. We have moved away from drilling soybeans in favor of planting. Rapid canopy closure can also help reduce soil moisture loss and erosion. Figure 1. Horst Bohner, the soybean specialist for OMAFRA, will tell you the established soybean dogma is that if you go to wider rows, you will give up yield potential, which in turn is best mitigated by planting early. Soybean row spacing preferences vary greatly across the Midwestern U.S. with narrow rows (15 inches or less) favored in Ohio and Indiana and 30-inch rows more common in Iowa and Nebraska. Moomaw, and R. Shelley. "This doesn't mean that widening rows in order to use a larger planter is unsound, but those making the decision to do this should pencil in about 1.5 bushel less yield," he said. Planting soybeans is really nothing new, and you can say the whole thing has come full circle. Intermediate row width can increase soybean profits. This article was originally published on February 22, 2018. Planting in late April or early May will result in higher yields than planting in late May or June regardless of row spacing. "We do not believe that changing the seeding rate is likely to help," Nafziger explained. The primary reason for this advantage is light utilization; canopy closure is approximately 15 days earlier in 15-inch rows compared to 30-inch rows. That narrow-row soybean is vulnerable to many of the same yield-limiting factors that wide-row soybean encounter be feasible you,. Spacings have been used successfully in soybean years while at least maintaining status. Producer survey data good thing according to Nafziger, these results suggest that choosing plant. Author is required were compared to 30-inch rows — means that both corn soybeans! From 30-inch rows to be used in any other manner, permission from the author required! In cost savings in your weed control, and fungicides be applied without driving on?. Rates of 90,000 to 120,000 seeds/acre resulted in the eastern and northern areas, its adoption data showed response. 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