anemia from lead poisoning

Anemia & Lead Poisoning Symptom Checker: Possible causes include Acute Intermittent Porphyria. Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (210K), or click on a page image below to browse page by page. BMC Public Health 17, 389 (2017). FIGURE 1. 2009;168:918–24. Kosnett MJ, Wedeen RP, Rothenberg SJ, Hipkins KL, Materna BL, Schwartz BS, Hu H, Woolf A. As haptoglobin is an acute phase reactant, it may be elevated in a number of diseases leading to difficulties in interpretation. This study is funded by the Taiwan Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health under the contract number ILOSH103-A307. 1) where Y Adverse hematological effects are some of the manifestations of lead poisoning in lead workers. Our approach had also been widely used in exposure analysis and risk decision-making in environmental and occupational health research [28, 29]. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. ORs and adjusted ORs in male workers were 1.00 (95% CI: 0.84–1.18) and 1.10 (0.85–1.41) by using 35 μg/dL as BPb limit with the hazard prevention probabilities of 50.6% and 76.2% under unadjusted and adjusted scenarios, respectively. Lead is also harmful to adults, and may cause: Problems during pregnancy. Lead decreases heme synthesis by inactivating enzymes involved such as aminolaevulinic acid dehydrate, aminolaevulinic acid synthetase, corporphyrinogen oxidise and ferrochelatase. 2005;113:1669–74. Home » Decision Support in Medicine » LabMed. 1) with the parameters of interest as θ = (π CML contributed research concept, manuscript writing and tables/figures fabricating. It may also be decreased in liver disease. 1 + a Am J Epidemiol. Risk Anal. 1 with parameters (a YJL is a postdoctoral research fellow in Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University. J Occup Health. Work experience was used to describe the past and current working processes to further characterize exposure history. All 218 female workers were working in lead battery factories. The most compelling epidemiology evidence shows that the increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in populations with BPb in the low to medium range of 10 to 20 μg/dL [25, 26]. Median BPb concentrations were estimated 24.5 and 25.3 μg/dL for male workers in facilities of lead bullion, and lead stearate, respectively. The p-value <0.05 was considered to be statistically-significant. 1994;140:821–9. Figure 1 shows the ordering BPb level of lead workers in different working areas. Our estimation of BMD10 was similar to those reported by Karita et al. Thus, the model-averaged BMD and BMDL can be calculated as \( \mu \left(\mathrm{BMD}\right)={\sum}_{k=1}^K{\mathrm{BMD}}_k\cdot {w}_k \) and \( \mu \left(\mathrm{BMDL}\right)={\sum}_{k=1}^K{\mathrm{BMDL}}_k\cdot {w}_k \), respectively. Google Scholar. Haptoglobin scavenges free hemoglobin and is low in hemolytic anemia. 2009;167:976–86. Anemia risk in relation to lead exposure in lead-related manufacturing. Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, OEHHA, Estimating workplace air and worker blood lead concentration using an updated physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model. Nairobi: National Paint Testing Results; 2013. The risk contribution proportions in other working groups were all less than 10% (Fig. Children are particularly vulnerable to the toxicity and harmful effects of lead. Uncertainty is a key factor in risk assessment that can influence the precision of risk estimation [21]. Already have an account? Article  Endocrine, Hepatic, Neural, and; Renal. Our research framework can also be applied to assess other lead induced-adverse health effects in exposed population. The BMDs for lead exposed-induced health effects provided the novel limits on BPb for health management. This data gap may influence our risk estimation results. Lead poisoning has been known since antiquity and some believe lead poisoning contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire (Klein et al., 1970). It would be better to establish a new occupational strategy and enhance the education and training to reduce the BPb concentrations and subsequent hematotoxicity. High levels of lead may also cause seizures, coma, and death. Cite this article. Ann Occup Hyg. Neuropsychological effects of lead toxicity were also determined to be a common occupational hazard of lead toxicity [35]. Environ Health Perspect. The parameters of π Environ Health Perspect. Article  2007;51:665–78. 1999;35:595–603. 1,  n We observed some abnormal hematological indicators in female workers who had lower BPb concentrations, an effect which may have been due to menstruation or pregnancy. (DOCX 27 kb). United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Bemchmark Dose Technical Guidance, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington DC, 2012. Some of the effects are permanent. SHC is an assistant research fellow in Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health, Ministry of Labor. However, this study still found some workers with hematological effects even though the BPb were under the permissible level. Liu KS, Hao JH, Zeng Y, Dai FC, Gu PQ. For female workers, assembling and packaging work groups had relatively higher hazard occurrence probabilities of 80% and 60% with the median HIs of 1.48 (0.47–2.67) and 1.32 (0.43–3.16), respectively. Because these symptoms may occur slowly or may be caused by other things, lead poisoning can be easily overlooked. Figure 5 shows the results of decision analysis. 2015;12:S7–17. Properties of model-averaged BMDLs: a study of model averaging in dichotomous response risk estimation. CAS  Nowadays, blood lead (BPb) measurement is still the primary technique to investigate recent lead accumulation in the body. 2010;213:99–106. Bailer AJ, Wheeler M, Dankovic D, Nobel R, Bena J. J Occup Environ Hyg. In addition to hematological effects of anemia, health effects of low-dose lead also include hypertension, cognitive dysfunction, renal, and reproductive effects. Chou WC, Chio CP, Liao CM. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. A computational modeling approach was used to estimate airborne lead concentrations by using BPb levels [37]. SHY is a postdoctoral research fellow in National Environmental Health Research Center, National Health Research Institutes. Karita K, Yano E, Dakeishi M, Iwata T, Murata K. Benchmark dose of lead inducing anemia at the workplace. 0 and π Lead poisoning is what happens when lead builds up in your body over a period of months or years. 0 and n PubMed  The BMD models were performed by BMD software (Version 2.5.1, USEPA) and followed the guidelines from USEPA [18, 19]. The examination items were included the inspection of BPb and hematological indicators of hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin (Hgb), red blood cell count (RBC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) [16]. Estimation of the posterior distribution of ORs can be simply obtained by simulating the distribution of f(π We used correlation analysis is the preliminary exam in effect analysis that allows us to understand the strength between the effect factors and anemia-associated indicators. The possible threshold of lead-associated anemia was also proposed by previous studies, which was approximately 20 μg/dL for lead workers [11, 16]. 2014;122:1160–5. Microcytosis and hypochromia may be present, and reticulocyte counts may be elevated. 0| y) ~ beta (y Google Scholar. Terms and Conditions, Félix PM, Almeida SM, Pinheiro T, Sousa J, Franco C, Wolterbeek HT. Lead poisoning is a type of metal poisoning caused by lead in the body. 2015;123:1113–22. For mild cases of lead poisoning, you may just need to hire a professional to remove the lead contaminant from your home or community. Talk … 2012;5:47–58. The permissible exposure limit (PEL) is 50 μg/m3 in Taiwan. Reproductive problems in both men and women . The anemia of lead intoxication is hypochromic and normo -or microcytic with associated reticulocytosis. (DOCX 32 kb), Fitted quantal model for male lead-exposed workers. Incorporating uncertainty and variability in the assessment of occupational hazards. Lead can cross the placental barrier, which means pregnant women who are exposed to lead also expose their unborn child. Otherwise, the low-level lead exposure may also be a potential risk factor in public health. Bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. Our results show that BMD10 and BMDL10 estimates ranged from 23 to 87 and 15–48 μg/dL for male workers after adjusting for of age and working years. Recently, lead condensate in exhaled breath was also shown to be a suitable non-invasive biomarker of occupational exposure in recent years [2]. 0 + a Lin JL Lead level in seminal plasma may affect semen quality for men without occupational exposure to lead Reprod Biol Endocrin. The hazard prevention probabilities for female workers were 85.5–95.0% when BPb limit of 15 μg/dL was adopted. The OR was estimated as. Exposure to high levels of lead may cause anemia, weakness, and kidney and brain damage. A useful diagnostic algorithm has been recently published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings.1 . Interdiscip Toxicol. However, recent studies indicate that lead-exposed workers may suffer from adverse health effects under the current standards [7,8,9]. Female workers are represented by light gray. Alteration or destruction of cells o occurs in certain genetic and cellular development disorders o aka hemolytic anemia. 1995;10:228–30. The case highlights the importance of occupational anamnesis for the diagnosis of lead poisoning, an uncommon condition which may mimic a variety of internal and surgical diseases. The BPb was mainly sourced from the current workplace. The benchmark response (BMR) was set to an abnormal proportion of 10% (BMR10) in the dose-response relationshi, as a conservative approach to protect the health of lead-exposed. If a hemolytic anemia is in the differential, haptoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and bilirubin can be useful. Anemia associated with lead poisoning. 0,  n Further, our BMDL10 estimates were consistent with their results, which ranged from 33 to 49 μg/dL. Lead is a metal that’s found in nature, deep within the ground. Google Scholar. YHC, YJL and SHY critically revised the manuscript for important intellectual content. To determine whether the proposed BMD can be used as a novel BPb limit for lead exposed-associated risk management, this study applied a Bayesian decision approach that has been widely used in the probabilistic-based statistical method in decision making [17]. Memory and concentration problems. Our results suggest that the current BPb limit needs to be better characterized to better protect the health of lead-exposed population. Google Scholar. Digestive problems. We recommend that male and female workers’ BPb over 25 and 15 μg/dL should be considered to health management and exposure control. Register now at no charge to access unlimited clinical news, full-length features, case studies, conference coverage, and more. Environ Health Perspect. Patients with lead poisoning will often show basophilic stippling. Wignall JA, Shapiro AJ, Wright FA, Woodruff TJ, Chiu WA, Guyton KZ, Rusyn I. Standardizing benchmark dose calculations to improve science-based decisions in human health assessments. a Scatter plot showing the relationships between effect doses of BMD and BMDL10 for male and female. Lead-exposed workers may suffer adverse health effects under the currently regulated blood lead (BPb) levels. To integrate the risk estimates across different models, the model-averaging BMD was applied by calculating the weight w The recommended standards for female workers were set at 10 and 15 μg/dL. 2014;58:551–65. 4). For estimating the critical effect dose of BPb for lead-associated abnormal hematological indicator, we employed the benchmark dose (BMD) models that have been used in many previous risk assessment studies [16]. 2005;5:344–57. Hemolysis may also lead to elevated LDH and bilirubin. This study considered the uncertainty and its impact on the expected risk estimates that were quantified by MC simulation. Please login or register first to view this content. Environ Health Perspect. The best-fitted model and associated BMD and BMDL for each dose-response relation were selected based on the Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) and p-value of Chi-squared (χ2). This study adopted these reference ranges to calculate the number and propotion of normal and abnormal lead workers in male and female populations. SCC is a Professor in Department of Public Health, Chung Shan Medical University. Google Scholar. Continue Reading. Google Scholar. Anemia. Lead is a ubiquitous toxicant emitted from environmental and industrial sources. We thank Dr. Joseph Cichocki at the Texas A&M University for reviewing the manuscript and consultation. The issue not only in lead industries, but it also causes some problems in public health in several areas [11,12,13,14]. Correspondence to Statistics and regressions of this study were conducted in the open source language R (Version 3.1.1, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing). Anemia. PubMed  You’ve read {{metering-count}} of {{metering-total}} articles this month. Your doctor will run tests to determine whether you have lead poisoning and how severe it is. Symptoms include abdominal pain, confusion, headache, anemia, irritability, and in severe cases seizures, coma, and death. Lead can … Appl Occup Environ Hyg. 2014;122:499–505. CML is a distinguished professor in Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University. Murata K, Iwata T, Dakeishi M, Karita K. Lead toxicity: dose the critical level of lead resulting in adverse effects differ between adults and children. Furthemore, there is no evidence of a safe exposure level for renal and cardiac effects associated with exposure to lead [31, 32]. McNally K, Warren N, Fransman W, Entink RK, Schinkel J, van Tongeren M, Cherrie JW, Kromhout H, Schneider T, Tielemans E. Advanced REACH tool: a Bayesian model for occupational exposure assessment. This study could not investigate and control the other possible sources of lead exposure outside the work and get the complete information on previous experience of lead-related work. The proportions of lead working population with abnormal hematological indicators were estimated >10% in each job category. Iranian J Toxicol. Risk contribution analysis indicated that female workers in the assembling group contributed a significant high risk to the total population, with a contribution proportion of 31.5%. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Environ Health Perspect. Review of the peripheral smear is crucial. [23] found that indicators of Hgb, MCV, and white blood cell cell did not display concentration-dependence on BPb levels. Ukaejiofo EO, Thomas N, Ike SO. Toxicity of lead: a review with recent updates. Ahmad SA, Khan MH, Khandker S, Sarwar AFM, Yasmin N, Faruquee MH, Yasmin R. Blood lead levels and health problems of lead acid battery workers in Bangladesh. However, the environmental exposure of lead is relatively lower than occupational exposure. High blood pressure. Microcytic anemia, long considered an effect of lead poisoning, may in fact result from coexisting iron deficiency. The symptoms of lead poisoning may look like other conditions … United Nations Environment Programme. 0,  π Bayesian analysis-based ORs determining the available of calculated BMD10 as novel BPb limit. Article  We calculated the dichotomous response from quantal data using BMD models, as summarized in Table S1 (see Additional file 1). Copyright © 2020 Haymarket Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved The inhaled/ingested lead can transport to the heart, bones, intestines, kidneys, reproductive, and nervous systems, causing tissue-specific adverse effects [3, 4]. To determine the BPb levels in health management, we examined the simulated BPbs that were set at 25 and 35 μg/dL for male workers. Review of the literature suggests that clinical manifestations of chronic poisoning by solid lead in adults are extremely rare. This study applied the model averaging method to integrate BMD estimates across multiple models. child, developing countries, iron deficiency anemia, lead poisoning. Lead poisoning is considered the most well characterized occupational disease. A critical review of biomarkers used for monitoring human exposure to lead: advantages, limitations, and future needs. 2009;12:58–64. Your child's doctor may recommend your child be tested for lead levels during routine check-ups.The American Academy of Pediatricians recommends that doctors and parents follow the recommendations of their state or local health department. The AIC was defined as penalized likelihood function as AIC =  − 2 log L + 2p that p was the number of parameters in the model and L is the maximum likelihood value. Therefore, the major sources of lead exposure may come from dust, fume, and poor personal hygiene including eating and smoking through contaminated hands. Ahmad et al. However, the results from hazard prevention probabilities showed that there were nearly 50–70% probabilities of improving the lead-related anemia by restraining BPb limit up to 25–35 μg/dL for male workers. Through Cochran-Armitage trend test, our results found that hematological indicators had significant dose-response trend with BPb concentration in male workers, including Hct (χ2 = 3.336; p < 0.01), Hgb (χ2 = 1.741; p < 0.05), MCV (χ2 = 3.879; p < 0.001), and MCH (χ2 = 3.343; p < 0.001) (see Additional file 2: Tables S2 – S5). Other disorders may be associated with basophilic stippling. The model averaging and the corresponding BMD and BMDL are potentially biased in low-dose scenarios. To prevent the confounding factors that may cause abnormal hematological indicators with lower occupational lead exposure, this study adjusted the estimation of ORs by excluding the low-level BPb (< 5 μg/dL). 2014;974104. Wheeler MW, Bailer AJ. Some of the ways to reduce the risk of lead poisoning include: having a professional remove lead-based paint from homes; allowing tap water to run for a minute or so before use to clear the pipes of any lead-contaminated water; and using only cold tap water for drinking and cooking, as hot tap water is more likely to leach lead. Genotoxicity evaluation in workers occupationally exposed to lead. We examined the overall resulting BMDs from different models to determine the most reliable BMD10 and BMDL10. Google Scholar. The job-specific exposure conditions were calculated based on the working areas for lead workers. Male workers in the lead battery manufacturing processes of grinding, cutting, and filling had relatively higher BPb concentrations than those in other working areas. lead poisoning is caused by occupational and environmental lead exposure and c a n cause damage to various body systems. It is often associated with a decrease in some trace elements (iron, zinc, copper) and an increase in heavy metals as lead. It seems that appropriate engineering control measures and hygiene strategies still play an important role in limiting lead exposure for female lead workers [27]. Weisskopf MG, Sparrow D, Hu H, Power MC. 1998;82:594–9. 5). CAS  Therefore, the suitable BPb level of male workers for health management of anemia can be set in this interval. Introduction to benchmark dose methods and U.S. EPA's benchmark dose software (BMDS) version 2.1.1. To investigate the association of specific hematological indicators with BPbs, we performed a Pearson-based correlation analysis (Fig. Based on the probability distribution (Fig. 2012;3:11–6. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. What Tests Should I Request to Confirm My Clinical Dx? All rights reserved. Data are however available from the authors upon reasonable request and with permission of the lead factories in Taiwan. NHH is a postdoctoral research fellow in Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences in Texas A&M University. 2011;254:181–91. Overall, the abnormal proportions ranged between 0 and 37.5% for each subgroup. Forest plot showing the estimated hazard index with 95% confidence intervals and relative risk contribution for each working group. Thus, we found that workers with lower BPb level (< 20 μg/dL) had lower proportions of the abnormal population in hematological indicators. The workers at lead-related factories in Taiwan are working under conditions that may induce occupational diseases. We found that the highest hazard occurrence probability was in male grinding workers with median HI of 1.00 (95% CI: 0.39–1.80) (Fig. Finally, hazard prevention probability was calculated by using the proportion of simulated ORs. Flora et al. Links to PubMed are also available for Selected References. Lead Poisoning and Anemia Associated With use of Ayurvedic Medications Purchased on the Internet — Wisconsin, 2015. Chuang HY, Lee ML, Chao KY, Wang JD, Hu H. Relationship of blood lead levels to personal hygiene habits in lead battery workers: Taiwan, 1991–1997. We used the health examination record to construct the dose-response relationships between BPb levels and adverse hematological indicators. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, constipation, headaches, irritability, memory problems, inability to have children, and tingling in the hands and feet. It causes almost 10% of intellectual disability of otherwise unknown cause and can result in behavioral problems. The posterior can be given by (π 2007;27:659–70. To determine the critical effect dose, we used BMD modeling to estimate the BPb levels that could associate with 10% abnormal proportion of each hematological indicator. We found out that the abnormal proportion of indicator can exceed 20% for male workers in the exposure groups of grinding, powder, formatting, assembling, and charging, whereas the abnormal proportion may exceed 20% for female workers in every working group. Some of the clinical syndrome that results from lead poisoning estimates were consistent with previous studies [ 16,... M, Iwata T, Murata K. benchmark dose of lead poisoning Adult lead exposure have been known centuries. Kolmogrov-Smirnov statistics Farhangi H, Weisskopf MG, Sparrow D, Hu H, Mood MB result might due decreased... With use of this study adopted these reference ranges in the specific job category Acute phase reactant, may! Are some of the abnormal number in hematological indicators from regular health examination all less than 10.... By using this website constitutes acceptance of Haymarket Media ’ s Privacy Policy Terms! 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