enable pct refresh on materialized view

This materialized view is eligible for query rewrite because the ENABLE QUERY REWRITE clause has been included. If the fact tables or materialized views include a time dimension and are horizontally partitioned by the time attribute, then management of rolling materialized views can be reduced to a few fast partition maintenance operations provided the unit of data that is rolled out equals, or is at least aligned with, the range partitions. As soon a some data is changed in one of the base tables, the Materialized View becomes “stale”, and the optimizer will ignore it as a candidate for Query Rewrite. If query rewrite were to perform a text match transformation against a request query with a VPD policy, the effect would be to negate the VPD policy. To revalidate a materialized view, use the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW COMPILE statement. The dependency of the materialized view log for the partition change track base table is removed. A materialized view is automatically revalidated when it is referenced. Refresh Materialized Views. Anyway, sometimes it’s just the best way to solve a problem, so this is how to create a Materialized View in Oracle Database 12.1 and after, with Fast Refresh on commit including debugging with … PCT is also used to support fast refresh after partition maintenance operations on detail tables. Specifically, query rewrite must retain and respect any VPD policies against the relations specified in the request query. When a materialized view is partitioned on the partitioning key column or join dependent expressions of the detail table, it is more efficient to use a TRUNCATE PARTITION statement to remove one or more partitions of the materialized view during refresh and then repopulate the partition with new data. Note that as you increase the number of dimensions and levels, the number of groups to calculate increases dramatically. The following example shows a UNION ALL of a materialized view with joins and a materialized view with aggregates. Materialized views with models can use complete refresh or PCT refresh only, and are available for partial text query rewrite only. view, PRODUCT_SALES_MV. This means there are 16 aggregate groups in the hierarchical cube. SQL> DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW scott.emp_v_MV; SQL> CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW scott.emp_v_MV NOLOGGING PARALLEL BUILD IMMEDIATE REFRESH FORCE ON DEMAND ENABLE QUERY REWRITE AS select * from emp_v / SQL> truncate table mv_capabilities_table; SQL> exec dbms_mview.explain_mview('scott.emp_v_mv'); SQL> set linesize 100 SQL> SELECT capability_name, … ... N PCT is not possible on any of the detail tables in the materialized view PCT fast refresh is not possible because there are no partitions in this example. In this example, the materialized view, pct_sales_mv, has a base table called list_sales_time that is LIST partitioned. If you do not want to use PCT refresh, you can just partition by list on GROUPING_ID column. Materialized views with set operators can now be created enabled for query rewrite. Even better, queries can use a materialized view without making direct reference to it, so there's no need to change application code. You should consider data compression when using highly redundant data, such as tables with many foreign keys. It contains the following topics: About Partitioning and Materialized Views, About Materialized Views in Analytic Processing Environments, About Security Issues with Materialized Views. However, if a column has been dropped in a table referenced by a materialized view or the owner of the materialized view did not have one of the query rewrite privileges and that privilege has now been granted to the owner, you should use the following statement to revalidate the materialized view: The state of a materialized view can be checked by querying the data dictionary views USER_MVIEWS or ALL_MVIEWS. While data warehouse environments typically view data in the form of a star schema, for analytical SQL queries, data is held in the form of a hierarchical cube. ORA-12054: não é possível definir o atributo de atualização ON COMMIT para a view materializada 12054. Hence, the most effective partitioning scheme for these materialized views is to use composite partitioning (range-list on (time, GROUPING_ID) columns). Example 6-3 Using Partition Markers in a Materialized View. See "Join Dependent Expression" for more information. The function returns a partition identifier that uniquely identifies the partition or subpartition for a specified row within a specified partitioned table. It also illustrates the best approach for creating materialized views using a common scenario. With approximately hundreds of different products in each product category, including the partitioning key column prod_id of the products table in the materialized view would substantially increase the cardinality. It also illustrates the best approach for creating materialized views using a common scenario. 00000 - "cannot set the ON COMMIT refresh attribute for the materialized view" *Cause: The materialized view did not satisfy conditions for refresh at commit time. A subsequent INSERT statement adds a new row to the sales_part3 partition of table sales. Any DML operation, such as an INSERT, or DELETE, UPDATE, or DDL operation on any dependency in the materialized view will cause it to become invalid. This is called the rolling window scenario. Refreshing Materialized Views for further details regarding CONSIDER FRESH and for details regarding compression. In that case, the owner requires the ON COMMIT REFRESH system privilege or the ON COMMIT REFRESH object privilege on each table outside the owner's schema. For a fast refresh of materialized join views — whether they use self joins, inline views, or remote tables — you must create materialized view logs on … Partition pruning: only relevant aggregate groups will be accessed, thereby greatly reducing the query processing cost. An additional consideration is that you might want to use data compression on your infrequently updated partitions. The materialized view my_model_mv is on a much smaller data set because it is built on my_groupby_mv and can be maintained by a complete refresh. Then applying the changes to the MV. Enable or disable its use for query rewrite. Oracle Database uses this variant of fast refresh (called PCT refresh) with partition truncation if the following conditions are satisfied in addition to other conditions described in "Partition Change Tracking". In AWM when i select refresh method as FAST and enable the materialized view, am getting the below error: "Refresh method fast requires materialized view logs and a previously run complete refresh of the cube mv". The column STALENESS will show one of the values FRESH, STALE, UNUSABLE, UNKNOWN, UNDEFINED, or NEEDS_COMPILE to indicate whether the materialized view can be used. Any DML operation, such as an INSERT, or DELETE, UPDATE, or DDL operation on any dependency in the materialized view will cause it to become invalid. For all security concerns, a materialized view serves as a view that happens to be materialized when you are directly querying the materialized view. PCT refresh in a rolling window scenario requires partitioning at the top level on some level from the time dimension. In particular, materialized views created with the ROLLUP clause are likely candidates. This compile process is quick, and allows the materialized view to be used by query rewrite again. Materialized Views and Partitioning are two key Oracle features when working with data warehouses. This section discusses the concepts used by analytic SQL and how relational databases can handle these types of queries. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW project-id.my_dataset.my_mv_table SET OPTIONS (enable_refresh = true) Note that turning on automatic refresh will trigger an automatic refresh on the materialized view. Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: PCT BASED MVIEW REFRESH FAILS WITH ORA-932 ON AN INTERNAL RECURSIVE QUERY * 8 from emp a, dept b 9 where a.dept_id=b.dept_id; Materialized view created. Hence, the most effective partitioning scheme for these materialized views is to use composite partitioning (range-list on (time, GROUPING_ID) columns). The application of the non-PCT table changes can be written as ΔTIME×FACT×STORE×PROMOTION+TIME×FACT×STORE×ΔPROMOTION. And in order to use this new feature we have to enable it a materialized view level: SQL> alter materialized view DEMO_MV enable on query computation; Materialized view altered. Luckily for us, Oracle implemented a "fast refresh" mode for materialized views. Partition Change Tracking (PCT) is a powerful feature in Oracle for fast refresh of materialized views when one of the base tables is partitioned. Query rewrite cannot identify the fresh portion of materialized views cust_mth_sales_mv and prod_yr_sales_mv because PCT is available on table sales using join dependent expressions. When you access a materialized view using query rewrite, the materialized view serves as an access structure much like an index. This means there are 16 aggregate groups in the hierarchical cube. Thus, processing only the changes can result in a very fast refresh time. Materialized join views (MJVs) contain only joins (and not aggregates). It includes the typical set of aggregations needed for business intelligence queries. PCT refresh is also not enabled on the materialized view Action: Use just REFRESH, which will reinstantiate the entire table. By partitioning the materialized views this way, you enable: PCT refresh, thereby improving refresh performance. When one or more of the detail tables are partitioned, it may be possible to identify the specific rows in the materialized view that correspond to a modified detail partition(s); those rows become stale when a partition is modified while all other rows remain fresh. If PCT is enabled using either the partitioning key column or join expressions, the materialized view should be range or list partitioned. The simplest form to refresh a materialized view is a Complete Refresh. As such, the security implications for materialized views accessed in this way are much the same as for indexes: all security checks are performed against the relations specified in the request query. Partition Change Tracking (PCT) Refresh It contains the following topics: Materialized Views in Analytic Processing Environments. Partition pruning: only relevant aggregate groups are accessed, thereby greatly reducing the query processing cost. This statement creates a materialized view called part_sales_mv, which uses three partitions, can be fast refreshed, and is eligible for query rewrite: Alternatively, a materialized view can be registered to a partitioned prebuilt table. Some general tips and more information you can read in my blog post Materialized View Refresh for Dummies. Also, the UNION ALL marker column can be a string literal, which is 'Year' umarker, 'Quarter' umarker, or 'Daily' umarker in the following example: Models, which provide array-based computations in SQL, can be used in materialized views. *, cast('Y' prod_yr_sales_mv includes the DBMS_MVIEW.PMARKER function on the products table in its SELECT list. This section discusses the concepts used by analytic SQL and how relational databases can handle these types of queries. If you use an analytic window function or the MODEL clause, the partition key column or the partition marker or ROWID or join dependent expression must be present in their respective PARTITION BY subclauses. Let's create them: Refresh Materialized Views in a Suitable Way Normally, Query Rewrite will only work on “fresh” Materialized Views with current data. Thus, the presence of the index or materialized view presents no additional security checking. Product, which contains (all products), division, brand, and item. If you do not want to use PCT refresh, you can just partition by list on GROUPING_ID column. If you continue to get a privilege error while trying to create a materialized view and you believe that all the required privileges have been granted, then the problem is most likely due to a privilege not being granted explicitly and trying to inherit the privilege from a role instead. Partitioning a materialized view also has benefits for refresh, because the refresh procedure can then use parallel DML in more scenarios and PCT-based refresh can use truncate partition to efficiently maintain the materialized view. A method and system for updating both partition change track tables and non-partition track tables in a materialized view. Partition change tracking requires sufficient information in the materialized view to be able to correlate a detail row in the source partitioned detail table to the corresponding materialized view row. The materialized view my_model_mv is on a much smaller data set because it is built on my_groupby_mv and can be maintained by a complete refresh. Partitioning the fact tables also improves the opportunity of fast refreshing the materialized view because this may enable Partition Change Tracking (PCT) refresh on the materialized view. Example 9-6 Materialized View Using UNION ALL with Joins and Aggregates. However, they are not additionally subject to the VPD policies of the underlying base relations of the materialized view, since security processing of the underlying base relations is performed against the owner of the materialized view. To create a UNION ALL materialized view with two join views, the materialized view logs must have the rowid column and, in the following example, the UNION ALL marker is the columns, 1 marker and 2 marker. For all security concerns, a materialized view serves as a view that happens to be materialized when you are directly querying the materialized view. For example, a composite partition using both a time value and a key value could result in a good partition solution for your data. Using the DBMS_MVIEW.PMARKER function, the materialized view cardinality is increased only by a factor of the number of partitions in the products table. When creating a view or materialized view, the owner must have the necessary permissions to access the underlying base relations of the view or materialized view that they are creating. This compile process is quick, and allows the materialized view to be used by query rewrite again. One way to work around this restriction yet still create a materialized view containing the desired VPD-specified subset of rows is to create the materialized view in a user account that has no active VPD policies against the detail relations of the materialized view. When creating a view or materialized view, the owner needs to have the necessary permissions to access the underlying base relations of the view or materialized view that they are creating. SQL> create materialized view mv 2 --build deferred 3 refresh fast on demand 4 with primary key 5 enable query rewrite 6 as 7 select a.rowid erowid,b.rowid drowid ,b.dname, a. Because the MODEL clause calculations can be expensive, you may want to use two separate materialized views: one for the model calculations and one for the SELECT ... GROUP BY query. This example involves 16 groups, but if you were to add just two more dimensions with the same number of levels, you would have 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 256 different groups. 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