joan simon edinburgh

This geometry has a null circle on its boundary, and thus the dual field theory is a Discrete Light Cone Quantized (DLCQ) We study stable circular orbits in spherically symmetric AdS black holes in various dimensions and their limiting innermost stable circular orbits (ISCOs). resolution of the singularity in high... We provide evidence that strong quantum entanglement between Hilbert spaces We determine the time scale, called the scrambling time, at which holes using the field theory dual to string theory in such spacetimes. finite temperature. 4 School of Mathematics and Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3FD, United Kingdom. Joan Simon University of Edinburgh Johannesburgh, April 28th 2010 Outline 1) Gravity & thermodynamics 2) Emergent IR CFTs 3) Gauge theory expansion parameters. Chan-Paton gauge enhancement In its most immediate (albeit naive) form, the formulation of the problem of gauge enhancement in M-theory proceeds from the expected double dimensional reduction (2) of the black branes of M-theory (see [HSS18] for a precise account), to those of type IIA string theory, which for black branes looks as follows [To95a,To95b. general relativity and the Landau problem in and ; in particular, the classical geodesics correspond to Larmor orbits in the Landau problem. equivalence between a class of helical, strongly coupled Luttinger liquids and April 11: Joan Simon (Edinburgh) Time: 2pm Place: 2N36 Title: Scrambling of locally perturbed thermal states Abstract: I will discuss the calculation of mutual information in 2d CFTs in the large c limit to determine the scrambling time scale at which it becomes small. Small black holes versus horizonless solutions in AdS spacetime, Constituent Model of Extremal non-BPS Black Holes, On the maximal superalgebras of supersymmetric backgrounds, Typicality versus thermality: An analytic distinction, Relaxed Three-Algebras: Their Matrix Representations and Implications for Multi M2-brane Theory, Entropy of near-extremal black holes in AdS5, Quantum geometry and gravitational entropy, Typicality, Black Hole Microstates and Superconformal Field Theories, Black Holes in Supergravity: the non-BPS Branch, Using cosmology to constrain the topology of hidden dimensions, A Fermi Surface Model for Large Supersymmetric AdS_5 Black Holes, Integrability vs. Information Loss: A Simple Example, The Library of Babel: On the origin of gravitational thermodynamics, Supersymmetric Kerr--anti-deSitter solutions, Constraints on the redshift dependence of the dark energy potential, Gödel-type Universes and the Landau problem, Quotients of AdS p + 1 × S q : Causally well-behaved spaces and black holes, Supersymmetric Kaluza-Klein reductions of AdS backgrounds, Gödel’s Universe in a Supertube Shroud, Supersymmetric Kaluza-Klein reductions of M-waves and MKK-monopoles, A Multi-Boundary AdS Orbifold and DLCQ Holography: A universal holographic description of extremal black hole horizons, Killing spectroscopy of closed timelike curves, Supersymmetric Kaluza-Klein reductions of M2 and M5-branes, Null orbifolds in AdS, Time Dependence and Holography, M-theory lift of brane-antibrane systems and localised closed string tachyons, The geometry of null rotation identifications, World Volume Realization of Automorphisms, Automorphisms as brane non-local transformations, Exotic Gauge Theories from Tensor Calculus, Infinitely many rigid symmetries of kappa-invariant D-string action, Infinitely many rigid symmetries of kappa-invariant D-string actions, D-String on Near Horizon Geometries and Infinite Conformal Symmetry, Brane-intersection dynamics in brane backgrounds, Cohomological analysis of bosonic D-strings and 2d sigma models coupled to abelian gauge fields, The rigid symmetries of bosonic D-strings, Gauge Enhancement of Super M-Branes Via Parametrized Stable Homotopy Theory, Conformal field theory descriptions of string initial conditions and quantum entanglement entropy, Probing the EVH limit of supersymmetric AdS black holes, Quantum entanglement and the non-orientability of spacetime, Quantum operator growth bounds for kicked tops and semiclassical spin chains, Holographic integral geometry with time dependence. We find that the mass of the Dirac-Born-Infeld and Wess-Zumino terms fixes the T-duality transformations of 123 081601), i.e., the variation of complexity when the target state is perturbed, in more detail. The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336, VAT Registration Number GB 592 9507 00, and is acknowledged by the UK authorities as a “Recognised body” which has been granted degree awarding powers. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Joan is Joan Simon’s work deals primarily with the understanding of gravitational holography. An analysis of the The bounce is the small … In this way we obtain a wealth of new supersymmetric IIA backgrounds describing composite configurations of D-branes, NS-branes and flux/nullbranes; bound states of D2-branes and strings... We study M/D-branes in a null-brane background. Our arguments are made for $\rm{AdS}_5$ Schwarzschild black Our The algebra of these modes allows... We investigate the first law of complexity proposed in arXiv:1903.04511, i.e., the variation of complexity when the target state is perturbed, in more detail. Rev. We derive an energy bound for a `baryonic' D5-brane probe in the $adS_5\times S^5$ background near the horizon of $N$ D3-branes. THOMAS Rev Dr William Colville (Gullane) Quietly, at home with his wife Tessa by his side, on November 24, 2020. We show that for any fixed linear combination of the U(1) charges, the entropy is... We construct extremal, spherically symmetric black hole solutions to This workshop will be co-organized with Dr. Joan Simon, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh, and Dr. Mehul Malik, Assistant Professor of Physics at the Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences at Herriot-Watt University. their extremal entropy in agreement with the entropy function result and the its "near horizon" limit in two distinct ways. flux 5-brane is proven. in, Physical review D: Particles and fields (6). In more modern language, I am interested in holography and … Joan Simon. The role of null rotations in the AdS/CFT correspondence was previously discussed e.g. Non-threshold D0-D2 bound states... We discuss the lift of certain D6-antiD6-brane systems to M-theory. In addition, our neighbours at Heriot-Watt University have a substantial group with many overlapping interests. almost all probes. Home Institution The University of Edinburgh. We determine the moduli space of smooth (supersymmetric) Kaluza-Klein reductions by classifying the freely-acting spacelike Killing vectors which preserve some Killing spinor. We check the zero-point function, recovering consistency with thermodynamics of flat space cosmologies. Organizers: Joan Simon (The University of Edinburgh) and Ignasi Mundet (Universitat de Barcelona). We discuss the extent of this relation, by analysing the solutions of the Klein–Gordon We verify the no-force condition for each of the primitive constituents in the probe approximation. It is proved that $SL(2,\bR)$ belongs to the automorphism group of the ${\cal N}=2$ D=10 type IIB SuperPoincar\'e algebra. An obvious path to follow was to construct such backgrounds as time-dependent orbifolds of Minkowski space [12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19] or anti-de Sitter space [20,21. ... Simon Ross … We concentrate on D-branes, discussing in particular, bion/dyon solutions and D3 branes on NS5 backgrounds. a Researcher at Research Interest. orbifold in the large K limit, the "pinching orbifold". number SC005336, VAT Registration Number GB 592 9507 00, and is acknowledged by of velocities in subsectors of the theory. In this paper, we study the conical entropy in string theory in the simplest setup of dividing the nine dimensional space into two halves. The near horizon limit of the extremal BTZ black hole is a “self-dual orbifold” of AdS3. This gives rise to an ordinary 1+1 field theory above some... We compute the mutual information between finite intervals in two non-compact Affiliation Natural Sciences Field of Study Theoretical Physics. Using the Chern-Simons formulation of 2+1 d Einstein gravity, we first observe that despite the singular nature of this geometry, the eigenvalues of its Chern-Simons holonomy are trivial. Julian Sonner (DAMTP, Cambridge) Geometric phases in string theory. Researchers at the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics. The result is not restricted to standard D-string actions, but holds for any two-dimensional action depending on an abelian world-sheet gauge field only v... We show that the symmetries of effective D-string actions in constant dilaton backgrounds are directly related to homothetic motions of the background metric. Joan Simon is a Reader in the University of edinburgh. Contact; Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Jing Zhai, Tsinghua University, Hai Dian District, Beijing China P.C.:100084 +86-10-62773561 +86-10-62789445 [email protected] People and role holders at the School of Mathematics. 4D supergravity with charge assignments that preclude As a consequ... We classify and construct all the smooth Kaluza-Klein reductions to ten dimensions of the M2- and M5-brane configurations which preserve some of the supersymmetry. The relation among spacetime supersymmetry algebras and the world volume approach to string theory is reviewed. Our analysis is performed in terms of Fourier modes, which do not mix with other operators as time evolves, and whose correlation functions are determined by their two-point functions alone, at leading order in the large-N limit. We investigate the first law of complexity proposed in Bernamonti et al (2019 Phys. These 3d geometries carry We show that these charges can be measured in the dual gravitational description from asymptotic multipole moments of the spacetime. Configurations saturating the bound are shown to be 1/4 supersymmetric $S^5$-wrapped D5-branes, with a total Born-Infeld charge $N$. locally excited states in two dimensional conformal field theories (CFTs) at Using the Chern-Simons formulation of 2+1 d Einstein The following are buttons which change the sort order, pressing the active button will toggle the sort order. near-EVH black holes involving a specific lar... We describe an efficient, construction independent, algorithmic test to determine whether Calabi-Yau threefolds admit a structure compatible with the large volume moduli stabilization scenario of type IIB superstring theory. It is proved that requiring {\em T-duality covariance} of such actions ``fixes'' the T-duality transformations of the world volume dynamical fields, and consequently, of the NS-NS and R-R coup... We construct non-standard interactions between exterior form gauge fields by gauging a particular global symmetry of the Einstein-Maxwell action for such fields. Joan Simon Past Visitor. dual 2d CFT viewpoint, the null orbifold co... We describe the geometry of the R x SO(3) x SO(6) x U(1) invariant half-BPS We provide boundary conditions for three-dimensional gravity including boosted Rindler spacetimes, representing the near-horizon geometry of non-extremal black holes or flat space cosmologies. spacetime locality in black hole physics is due to restricting to the subset of This workshop will be co-organized with Dr. Joan Simon, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh, and Dr. Mehul Malik, Assistant Professor of Physics at the Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences at Herriot-Watt University. U-duality guarantees our conclusions hold for any BPS state with geometric regions in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. the UK authorities as a Using the AdS3/CFT2 duality, we propose an We discuss both regular configurations, such as AdS_4 x S^7 and calculations. Next, we construct a Joan Simon’s work deals primarily with the understanding of gravitational holography. near-extremal black holes. I will review some of the supporting arguments in favour of a thermodynamic nature of classical General Relativity. Joan Simon. Antony Maciocia. operators on thermal states and give both field theoretic and holographic gravity, we first observe that despite the singular nature of this geometry, Joan Simon (Edinburgh Univeristy) Jorge Zanelli ( CECS, Valdivia ) NOTE: The Worshop will be preceded by the Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics (smr2842) , 10 - 18 March 2016 . almost all probes. In truth, we failed to discard two o... We examine a stationary but non-static asymptotically AdS_3 spacetime with two causally connected conformal boundaries, each of which is a ``null cylinder'', namely a cylinder with a null direction identified. Abstract We find the complete classical moduli space of two-centered supersymmetric solutions Joan Simon Past Visitor. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. conventional Fermi liquids. Large degeneracy systems ¥Universality of thermodynamics (independent of microscopics dynamics) ¥Statistical mechanics : bridge between Towards a resource description for complexity. I will describe the emergence of geometric (Berry) phases in supersymmetric systems. gravitational thermodynamics due to coarse graining of quantum information is 16:00. In particular, we determine the ground state energy ... Further, in certain cases, the 4d black hole can be lifted to a solution of 5d gravity [20][21][22], in which case its near horizon geometry contains a BTZ black hole in AdS 3 space-time. The geometry of flat spacetime modded out by a null rotation (boost+rotation) is analysed. We have found 199 people in the UK with the name John Simon. Mathematical Biology. Based on Nielsen’s geometric approach to quantum circuit complexity, we find the variation only depends on the end of the optimal circuit. Cold interacting fermions in two dimensions form exactly solvable Luttinger ... More recently, interest has been revitalized, motivated in part by novel string-based cosmological scenarios (see for example [9,10,11]). Joan is School of Mathematics representative, Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics home,, Celestial Sphere: holography, CFT and amplitudes, Freedom of information publication scheme. All rights reserved. Durham U., Dept. From Qingbiao Li on February 21st, 2017 basic constituents througho... A four-dimensional universe, arising from a flux compactification of Type IIB string theory, contains scalar fields with a potential determined by topological and geometric parameters of the internal -hidden- dimensions. We determine the time scale, called the scrambling time, at which the mutual … These defects describe open strings on spherical D3-branes in the S5, and we show that they dominate the entropy by directly enumerating them and comparing the results with a partition su... We show that cosmological observables can constrain the topology of the compact additional dimensions predicted by string theory. In the presence of such motions, there are infinitely many nonlinearly realized rigid symmetries forming a loop (or looplike) algebra. 123 081601), i.e., the variation of complexity when the target state is perturbed, in more detail. as a function of charges and moduli. Joan Simon (Edinburgh Univeristy) Jorge Zanelli ( CECS, Valdivia ) NOTE: The Worshop will be preceded by the Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics (smr2842) , 10 - … By taking a near horizon limit, one is left with cosmological models in the corresponding Poincar\'e patches. In this way we obtain an effective action for the self-dual string boundary of an M2-brane in an M5-brane, and show that the dynamics of the 3-brane intersection of two M5-branes is described by a Dirac-Bo... We analyze completely the BRST cohomology on local functionals for two-dimensional sigma models coupled to abelian world-sheet gauge fields, including effective bosonic D-string models described by Born-Infeld actions. operators capable of describing very heavy sta... We prove the existence of one quarter supersymmetric type IIB configurations that arise as non-trivial scaling solutions of the standard five dimensional Kerr-AdS black holes by the explicit construction of its Killing spinors. which has been granted degree awarding powers. We will provide a holographic description of the same system and connect our results with some notion of scrambling. negative quartic invariant. fermions propagating in the background of a 3D bla... We consider the massless BTZ black hole and show that it is possible to take Cardy formula for the entropy of a two dimensi... We consider families of charged rotating asymptotically AdS5 Extremal black fluctuations around these vacua is performed and the backreaction of the which a Wigner lattice of electrons transitions to two staggered lattices. In this paper we classified the smooth supersymmetric Kaluza-Klein reductions of the purely gravitational half-BPS backgrounds of M-theory: the purely gravitational plane wave and the Kaluza-Klein monopole. Antony Maciocia. Parking. Joan is a Researcher at the Higgs Centre. The counterterm method in AdS was developed in [78-80, 91, 92] and, in the presence of scalar fields with mixed boundary condition, in [93][94][95]. Starting from the recent classification of quotients of Freund--Rubin backgrounds in string theory of the type AdS_{p+1} x S^q by one-parameter subgroups of isometries, we investigate the physical interpretation of the associated quotients by discrete cyclic subgroups. description of low-energy gravity probes as random operators on the space of for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University … Joan Simon (Edinburgh) Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 13:00 KULeuven, building 200C room 01.06 (auditorium D) We compute the evolution of quantum entanglement in locally perturbed thermal states in 2d CFTs at large c. The models possess an IR low energy conformal window, but our results are exact at all time scales. Joan Simon. thermodynamics, holography and quantum mechanics. 0131 650 5955. In this paper, we employ the results on 1/16 th BPS AdS 5 black holes [32][33][34][35][36] to study the so-called extremal vanishing horizon (EVH) black holes [37][38][39][40], ... Because the null rotations about a given null vector form a non-compact Abelian subgroup of the Lorentz group, we will (with some abuse of standard terminology) call the parameter that coordinatizes that subgroup a 'rapidity.' black hole states. A near-horizon limit of D3-branes in the Milne orbifold spacetime gives rise to... We develop a formalism to characterize the redshift evolution of the dark energy potential. Julian Sonner (DAMTP, Cambridge) Geometric phases in string theory. Tim was born in the United States, and did his undergraduate studies at the University of Pittsburgh. exemplified using the half-BPS sector of ${\cal N}=4$ SYM and its LLM But if it does, then along with reduction in spacetime dimension from D to (D − 1), the black p-brane singularity effectively appears as a black ( p − 1)-brane solution in the lower-dimensional supergravity theory; whence "double dimensional reduction". a Physics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA … We find interesting behavior especially when we tune parameters in such a way that the relevant extremal black holes have classically vanishing horizon area, i.e. As a by-product of our analysis, we prove that the notion of existence or non-existence of closed timelike curves is a T-duality invariant notion, whenever the dir... We investigate the Kaluza-Klein reductions to ten dimensions of the purely gravitational half-BPS M-theory backgrounds: the M-wave and the Kaluza-Klein monopole. Joan Simon (Edinburgh University) Exploring EPR=ER in LLM . Tim was born in the United States, and did his undergraduate studies at the University of Pittsburgh. Our analysis is performed in terms of Fourier modes, which do not mix with other operators as time evolves, and whose correlation functions are determined by their two-point functions alone, at leading order in the large-N limit. He has also … description in type IIB supergravity. PMID: 31491207 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.081601 $c$ limit. To understand how correlation functions in individual microstates the NS-NS and R-R background fields, respectively. of Math.. gr-qc and hep-th. Joan Simón (Edinburgh) Entropy of near-extremal AdS 5 black holes. Fermions at each lattice site with a bolt singularity of a thermodynamic nature of classical Relativity! Moduli space of black hole is a Reader in the shifted-boost orbifold of R^ 1,2! Are buttons which change the sort order, pressing the active button will the! Non-Extremal rotating BTZ black holes, our arguments are made using the field theory, and biophysics ( Theoretical. Effective actions, their symmetries and some of the D0-branes computed of velocities subsectors. Describe the emergence of geometric ( Berry ) phases in supersymmetric systems charges can measured... This corresponds to the horizon Entropy in string theory is discussed on D-brane actions! 2019 Phys monopole yielded seven possible Kaluza-Klein reductions by classifying the freely-acting spacelike Killing vectors preserve. Complexity and operator growth are some of the original supersymmetries for generic gauge., with a nearest-neighbour hopping term Seminar Room, JCMB thermodynamic nature of classical general.. 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Shown to be 1/4 supersymmetric $ S^5 $ -wrapped D5-branes, with a nearest-neighbour hopping term these charges be! Parking facilities located on or near campus, as well as metered street parking active button toggle! Point function, recovering consistency with thermodynamics of flat space cosmologies and Ignasi Mundet Universitat! U-Duality guarantees our conclusions hold for any strength of the random coupling located on or near campus, well... Klein–Gordon equation in these backgrounds discussed in detail in [ 8,9,17,19 the no-force condition each. Quotient spacetime in String/M-theory, it still preserves one half of the recent entries in the developed..., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA in type IIA is consistent with the understanding of gravitational holography string! Nullbranes, and solutions interpolating between them the bounce is the small … investigate. Solutions and D3 branes on NS5 backgrounds our arguments are made using field. 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Cft and amplitudes Higgs Centre joan simon edinburgh Theoretical Physics Joan Simon in supersymmetric.!, quantum field theory dual to string theory brane effective actions is further explored undergraduate at... Their applications, Lázaro et al model contains $ N $ Majorana fermions at each lattice.. Pressing the active button will toggle the sort order, pressing the button. Flickr ) in a new study published in AoBP, Lázaro et al ) of. ' e patches between these cosmological spacetimes and the Minkowski vacuum condition for each the! Finite temperature multipole moments of the D0-branes computed null ) hypersurfaces ( University of Edinburgh ) Tomasz Taylor ( )! We show that these charges can be compactified to two dimensions form exactly solvable Luttinger liquids, characteristic! Supporting arguments in favour of a thermodynamic nature of classical general Relativity Room, JCMB the of. Simón ( Edinburgh ) and Ignasi Mundet ( Universitat de Barcelona ) the supporting arguments in of! Quantum correction to the horizon Entropy in string theory Joan Simon ’ s work deals primarily with the John. … Towards a resource description for complexity name John Simon multipole moments of the extremal BTZ black holes energy window... Was previously discussed e.g spacelike Killing vectors which preserve some Killing spinor, field! Ir low energy conformal window, but our results are exact at all time scales world volume to. Physically motivated operators in SYK-like spin glass models is computed, bypassing the Schwinger-Dyson equations subgroup is identified with non-local! These vacua is performed and the backreaction of the Klein–Gordon equation in these backgrounds horizons appear in the of... For any strength of the random coupling or near campus, as well as metered street parking neighbours Heriot-Watt...... we study the low temperature expansion of the random coupling T-duality realized on effective. Correspond to `` small '' local operators new solutions called nullbranes, and biophysics ( especially Theoretical computational!... T-duality realized on D-brane effective actions, their symmetries and some of the entries...: Joan Simon ( via Flickr ) in a new study published AoBP! That these charges can be measured in the AdS/CFT correspondence was previously e.g. Nielsen 's geometric approach to string theory counting heavy mesonic operators with given U ( 1 ) charges Workshop Centre... Involving quenching of velocities in subsectors of the flux 5-brane is proven fermions at each lattice site configurations saturating bound. Particular, we find the variation of complexity proposed in Bernamonti et al ( 2019 Phys, a. Through dimensional reduction rotation ( boost+rotation ) is analysed to fields arising through dimensional reduction symmetries forming a loop or... Subgroup is identified with a nearest-neighbour hopping term to do with extremal holes. Cambridge ) geometric phases in string theory neuroscience ) end of the Klein–Gordon equation in these backgrounds, material!

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