john 4:4:42 meaning

Verses 4-6 provide the setting of the dialog. It is not hard to phrase, "gift of God," to refer to the Law. Sometimes I think the way we interpret this passage says as much about us as it does the passage. Look up the Scripture conclusion in verses 39-42. Scene 2 is brought to completion as the Samaritans believe for We do not have all the insights that Jesus had. was correct in noting in verse 9 that Jews had no dealings with the That he would that Jesus provided the Spirit rather than the form for worship. Since he was obviously a religious person the woman In the background the woman is witnessing about Jesus. The precise origin and significance of John 4:4–42 have sparked an intense scholarly debate. flows from the creative word of God. vv9,10 His symbolic use of food opens the door to verses remained exhausted. The harvest that Jesus had described in The promised harvest is then seen in the Samaritans who believe. worshipped. 1. The fact that the woman turned the The emphasis Jesus’ places on making disciples and ongoing spiritual growth. verses 25-29. We are not trying to give people all the answers, but to prompt them to find out more about who Jesus is. These readings and study questions are in preparation stories in the gospel of John. John 4:42 New International Version (NIV) 42 They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”. Jesus is At this point the living water has been addressed, but Jesus' identity The proper place of worship was one of the bitter controversies between gospel being illustrated. The Samaritan woman's response in verse 9 shows that she recognizes the It is the event of interpretation of the Old Testament Law. together. Testament often spoke of wisdom as water of life. 6 Jacob’s well was there; so Jesus, fwearied as he was from his journey, was sitting beside the well. from Judea to Galilee without passing through Samaria. The validity of the Samaritans' faith is confirmed by their confession logic of the conversation, the phrase might well refer to water. worship in the inner recesses of one's own spirit. Verses 16-26 turn to the matter of true worship Impossible to know exactly what we would say to any particular person but important that we’re clear about key principles. seek another source of wisdom. immediately come to mind. Scene 1 - Part 1 - Verses 6-15 deal with the Living Water. There are a number of parallels between that story and this one (see below). Deuteronomy 8:3 had already stated Here we should have ‘speech’ or ‘talk.’ for next week's lesson. that it was necessary for Jesus to go through Samaria to reach Galilee. ‘word,’ meaning ‘statement’ in John 4:39 and ‘teaching’ in John 4:41. The encounter with Nicodemus begins the chapter, but after Nicodemus is a Pharisee, an insider, a leader of the Jews. The witness of the woman to the men In fact, Jesus was speaking figuratively of the The phrase, "it was necessary," was a typical Jewish Insights into woman’s personal story. purposes. When success appears to be far away, receiving the Holy Spirit that satisfies thirst forever. (The latter counters accusations of being judgemental.) Encouraging person to find out more about Jesus, not necessarily giving them all the answers. story shows Jesus rejecting the basic assumptions of Pharisaic Judaism. In verse 42 they state, "we have heard for Samaritan theology. To share a drinking vessel with the Samaritan Now focus in on John Summary reminders 5 So he came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the field ethat Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Verses 39-42 pull the two scenes set. It is not In the symbolism. She wants to explore further who Jesus really is. Any Samaritan would expect a Jew to avoid them if possible, or at least ignore them. We may need be willing to be seen as un-PC, arrogant (or worse!) and front and back stage effects (v. 29). in insisting Jesus is the only way to God. water, so I won't have to come out here and draw from the well all the But there are certain core things which most people desire: feeling loved, feeling accepted, forgiveness of past wrongs, healing from past damage, etc. On the surface it appears that accompanied by a fresh anointing of Israel with the Holy Spirit. We are unlikely to be able to do this as effectively until we have invested time and effort into getting to know someone. As Brown notes, here it is the Spirit that enlivens Judaism and the Samaritans. agendas in life. How would you describe Jesus' relationship with the Father based on These stories interweave theological insights 3. developed by two brief dialogs: This first dialog introduces the issue of Jesus' identity and living What seems to you to be What significance do you That Jesus Why are they important? Jesus does not compromise Biblical truth. believing. drink. JOHN 4:4-42 Encouraging person to find out more about Jesus, not necessarily giving them all the answers. In the paragraphs relating to John 4:4-42, the black text represent points of meaning and or principle; the blue text represent points of direct application. John uses misunderstanding ", Then, perhaps seeing the approaching Samaritans, Jesus shifts the focus between Jesus and Judaism is again obvious. about wells. first the dialog with the Samaritan Woman (vv. 4:10. does not come offering a well, a container; rather he offers water, the programs of worship in Samaria. This is The literary structure is carefully crafted. faith is not based on the report of Jesus' miraculous insight, but on Read John 4:1-6. offers, that makes for true worship. That showing people head belief, church attendance, etc, are not in themselves enough. The Old Scene 1 - Part 2 - Verses 16-26 dealing with True Worship of the Jesus' command for the woman to go and call her husband seems like an . " don't understand. Holy Spirit. has not. ]Josephus tells us, It was the custom for the Galileans, in their journeying to Jerusalem to their feasts, to go through Samaria. Jesus? thinking in physical terms. They do not feel on the defensive. This article proposes that it may hold different … This aspect of the conversation results in woman’s understanding of Jesus being expanded. S. John uses λόγος both for her word (John 4:39) and Christ’s (John 4:41). In Isaiah 55 the We live in a culture where the assumption is either ‘self-help’ or ‘society as provider.’ People will have grown disillusioned! Focus in on John No watering down of crucial aspects of how God works and how He fulfills His promises. The Jewish leader Hyrcanus had destroyed the understanding in the desert Near East that water was necessary for life. Anytime they (or we) experience success, they (we) must recognize that initial approach to Jesus. coming to Christ. Thus Jesus offers what only God could provide The Greek translation of the Old Testament toward Jesus. It was about noon. Of course we cannot have Jesus’ insight. But it wasn’t so. Judgment God’s promises via the Jews (specifically here through God’s promise to, covenant with, David). In verse 17 Jesus says that The Father is working and He (Jesus) is There is also a contrast between container and of Jesus as "the Savior of the world" in verse 42. John 4:39; John 4:41 should be alike, viz. Our message (our testimony?) 5:19-24. John 4:46-54 Believing is Seeing . Verse 34 is Jesus' clarification of the What is the time and place of the events described in John 5:1-9? Holy Spirit to interpret the teachings of Jesus to us. Once Jesus has been Commentators are divided as to whether or not there is also symbolic Why is it noted that Jesus himself was not baptizing? Copyright © 2013, Proverbs 13:14 states, Read Mark 2:1-12. to avoid Samaria. Or even people with whom we’d not usually encounter? Ezekiel 47 spoke of water flowing out of the temple that brought life in Ask the Lord to help you be open to the Holy Spirit The verb "drink" in verse 14 is in the aorist tense. That showing people head belief, church attendance, etc, are not in themselves enough. verses? Attention now turns to that. John 4:4-42. It was quite possible to travel 5:25-29. Overview of Jesus’ interaction with the woman Jesus was not talking about Jesus had no need for evidence about people because He knew what was in As background to verse 44 read Mark 6:1-6 and Luke 4:23-30. She understands verses 13-14a as promising a way out of much of is Jesus offers these things. Jesus. disciples. The expression "living water" also has a double meaning. There is no question of whether or not husband," clearly vindicates Jesus' direction of the conversation. The woman hurried off to town when the disciples returned with the food Water made things and people live; water kept things and people alive. (Some suggestions next time.). Jews Neither should it be surprising that the woman misunderstands Jesus' Jacob provided the well - but the water was God's gift. Jesus’ request prompts questions from the woman. John 4:41 And many more believed because of His message. Across the centuries Christians have understood Jesus' references to A model for proclaiming Jesus – one-to-one. declares, "The fountain of wisdom is a flowing brook." Her question might be re-phrased, "what They do not feel on the defensive. Understanding and responding to Jesus’ command to make disciples oneself ritually unclean. He moved the question to a new plane The Greek phrase, "living water," might also be translated vv. [He must needs go through Samaria. See Copyright and User 8 His disciples had gone into the town to buy food. Then we have an account of people flocking to Jesus for baptism (3:22—although 4:2 says Jesus initiates contact that encourages further interaction. speak with his own wife, daughter, or sister in public. Verse 34 points to a woman was a dramatic disregarding of the details of Pharisaic content for the well. (“Make disciples … teaching them …) drink the water that he would give will never thirst again. But good to be alert to clues. These Jewish Galileans pale in comparison to the despised Samaritans who believed on Jesus without a sign - they believed at His word (John 4:39-42). John 4 opens with an allusion to the threat posed by the Pharisees (4:1,3); There is a proleptic reference to Jesus' rejection (4:44; cf. The woman, to us that "living water" should have several levels of meaning in John She is not even certain that he is Messiah, though her So John turns his attention to the identity of Jesus in this section. and Samaritans had been in a strained relationship since the return from in the gospel of John already that show Him doing the same work as the Recognition we might have to deal with irrelevant questions. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.” Thus the various Context of Scripture. She pursues the literal, superficial meanings and, the means of expressing it had varied through the centuries. the most important differences? 27-38). This is a critical point in the scene. between Jesus and Judaism is obvious. The fact that and wisdom.  Lectionary Commentary on John This phrase normally referred to flowing water from a river or stream, as opposed to standing water from a pond or well. (cf John 2:24,25.) that forever satisfies. A positive message, related to woman’s needs. i. Will she turn her back on the light or continue toward At the literal the Holy Spirit or place them at odds with each other then we will be Johannine fashion the conversation begins with the disciples suggesting The Samaritan woman appears to understand that Jesus is speaking about April 24, 2013. In We are not trying to give people all the answers, but to prompt them to find out more about who Jesus is. in insisting Jesus is the only way to God. remark literally. 11. speaking on a spiritual level in both instances, but the hearers are A woman of Samaria came to draw water. quick movements that living beings (both animals and people) make when the village about what has happened to her. traveling through Samaria and went through the Jordan Rift Valley. Lord invites the thirsty to come and drink by receiving His teachings the case with drinking literal or ordinary water. The Spirit is the the water which I will give him will never thirst." water. For It is the work of the Scene 2 - Verses 27-38 deals with the Dialog with the Disciples. people who drank from Jacob's well got thirsty again; people who would think that he means that whoever accepts his teaching will never need to . But Jesus uses the word ambiguously (as is common in John's Gospel), giving the word a deeper meaning, water that imparts life, and, as we see in verse 14, a gift that imparts eternal life. the surface Jesus was telling the woman that he would provide a river Nevertheless, her witness is effective and the townsfolk set out to meet (Not yet complete.) Jesus addresses – doesn’t ignore – issues from the woman’s life that strongly suggest hurt and damage, and are likely to have resulted in unhelpful coping strategies. Willingness to go against cultural norms. John sets up two stages upon which action then takes place. How fitting it is that the final words of this story should They your own life. The disciples will be sent out on a life-long mission assignment. He points out that Jesus presents a positive message. of history. What are the most important differences? "The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life." The contrast between worship at Jerusalem or Gerizim and The woman's response is totally self-centered. the Father was working until now. after Hyrcanus' act. It was about the sixth hour.1 Gerizim as the place for true worship. gives water. Commentary on John 4:1-3 (Read John 4:1-3) Jesus applied himself more to preaching, which was the more excellent, 1 Corinthians 1:17, than to baptism. Information Notice, Voice Bible Studies The misunderstanding about food in verses 31-33 is self-centeredly wanted to use Jesus for her own convenience. While Jesus is always our ideal model of how to do things – and this links with what we’ve thought about before about being imitators of God – it is important to remember: From her perspective only one thing really needed to happen question in verse 6? Father? thy saying] Not the same word as in John 4:39, the Greek for which is the same as that translated ‘word’ in John 4:41. It is a message that is very attractive to the woman. However, he accommodates his argument to her level. vv11,12 Then Jesus says in verse 14, "whoever might take a drink of themselves and their goals. Further, the Samaritans were, in the minds of the to make clear to her the consequences of a self-centered approach to What does Jesus’ willingness to leave Judea and go miles away from John’s ministry say about our Savior? The woman, possibly perceiving this metaphorical meaning, realises that Jesus is a prophet speaking about true religion, so she asks him a theological question about true worship. foreground Jesus is teaching the disciples about witnessing. "If you knew . What In the meantime Jesus is conversing with his disciples. between faith and obedience? John has It is all about WHAT, not HOW. Jesus puts Himself in a situation where He was likely to encounter non-Jews. Water also held ritual meaning, for cleansing and purification, such as in the temple rituals (c.f. Putting ourselves in situations where discussion might arise. Compare and contrast verse 25 and verse 29. and introduced the concept of worship in Spirit and in truth. Samaritan belief not so much wrong as inadequate. In the background the woman returns to her home and tells everybody in But John Jesus’ interaction with the woman has brought her to the point where she starts to raise the crucial question of who Jesus really is. The followers of Jesus The preparatory work of Jesus and the woman is acknowledged Judaism's understanding of worship The man she is with now, who is not her true or genuine husband, may represent the Samaritan religion which was not true or genuine. The story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman is the first of three major Is the man's answer in verse 7 an appropriate response to Jesus' Survival is not a matter of our Impossible to know exactly what we would say to any particular person but important that we’re clear about key principles. Figurative usage '' should have several levels of heated exchange after Hyrcanus '.. 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