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- Joe Rogan. This is our time to do what needs to be done. That’s how far the “moderate Democrats” have come. Alabama has signed into law legislation that expands the definition of life to include children in the womb, protecting them from being aborted. I'd advocate for those who want to take less risks in their daily lives to adopt the radical left's tactics and use soft influence in their daily lives: I am reminded of Aragorn’s speech at the Black Gate in The Lord of the Rings. Now we need focus and hyper-vigilance. My solution was to talk to people. But every small act of defiance is a step in the right direction. Parker, you make my music app pause for no reason. “Relax Lyds,” Dawn countered, ... “What it means,” Amber answered while shooting a sour look at her roommate, “is that I was raised under a belief system centered around the philosophies of Zhuangzi who taught that all reality could just be a dream, and if so- so ... Website - DeviantArt - Twitter … Is Andy gno on parley? And now Jones is talking about wanting to frick Brian Stelter. LET’S PROTEST. @Name Hidden Thank you, I’ll be here all week . It just shows that people will say and do anything to oppose Trump and the republicans. I'll stick to my principals without deluding it with nonsensical bs.The only question is when is it a human life. I have five children on earth and two in heaven (one more miscarriage between #4 and #5). It's insane that upper middle class kids go around burning shit down as if they are oppressed. Growing up with a toxic mother, I concur. This is a threat from within.It's different: It's not less of a threat. It was going to kill me physically, and mentally.Then I started watching Tim, and now the 'Three Beanie Faction.' (Goethe), "We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning, I'm making waffles!" You will learn a lot about the platform, Tonight was the best show ever. Just had a dream (nightmare) that I had to pay $200 after saying something mean about Trump supporters on Twitter. Hi Lydia. I think you’d like Peterson’s take on the big 5 traits. They try to fit their perception of what society is doing to a diagnosis &, IMO, that is dangerous & can explain so much of the craziness we are seeing now. Scott locked us in a classroom and left us for dead. But then I got red pilled when Pelosi said those famous words, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. @FknCheen Nice, I'll have to dig into it. Self-identification and ethnicity: ‘You can’t be an English Pakistani’ Professor Chris Gaine. 5.24 RePost - Q The Plan To Save The World - Joe M @StormIsUponUs on Twitter. . My point was to start using the emotional arguments against them when they start it up. LETS DO IT. Women need stoicism ⚓ cold, hard, sweet, patient as the grave ❄ Receipt-bearer // Pro: Life. I had to constantly adjust the volume, so I can understand what you're saying without getting my eardrums blown out by Tim directly after.Other than that, I can't really say anything yet. "Their own logic of defense is also it's downfall. I love Tim’s rants! Lol. Being informed is critical. Make them follow their own rules. At least you can say I did something, I didn'tjust sit by and liked, disliked, heart no hear, tweet, retweet. @namtab A fetuses experience are barely existent and don’t compare to even that of a small mammal. I do think more people need to start speaking up and making moves. Gotta appreciate their crackerjack investigation skills! He expresses the need for unity and faith in the greater good. You start an account, wait for a year or two, and then start actively using it. When a woman attacks it is to kill and there is no coming back from that. Do you ever notice how less tense you feel writing something on Parler than on Twitter? I am not saying cult like, just a basic understanding.I applaud you guys, and your work. :). Toxic femininity also tends to use the male psyche against itself in order to save the woman from risk. They are caving to pressure by the LGBTQ community activists regarding Gender Dysphoria. That rant was what we should point to in the history books when we tell our children and grandchildren about this time. It is tough to be the first lone soldier, but a trickle eventually turns into a flood. I’m honestly confused on how to use it lol. I need to cite lib/mods more than conservatives. I’ll cancel you!!!!!! One of my biggest peeves with prolifers is if we are going to be prolife then we have to have at least some support for those who chose to have the child despite their reason for abortion, i.e. (It is so refreshing to have civil conversation on these issues ✋). 0. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”. Me andmy boyfriend only just started opening about the current state of affairs, the culturewar and politics. "What they must realize is that by saying Black Lives Matter they take away from the suffering and pain that the native population still goes through today. There will always be lowlifes who cheer at death and social media allows us to see those people. Who is this Parker? Being manipulative to slyly control is uniquely, toxically feminine. And of course, I will be voting. Ferociously mixed, but never compromising to fit an agenda or idea... and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Trick question. The pushback and apathy is very real. When you don’t have other mouths to feed, or children depending on you to protect them it’s easy to say. Damn lydia, I think you need to speak more in the IRL videos!This Is soo spot on. They need their kids to respect them. @IntravenousDMT You just said a fetus can. It deserves more ethical consideration for that reason. It's the same manipulation being used regarding masks and yet, people just follow. Girl, you're just privileged ;)Peace. NEW PIZZAGATE & PEDOGATE DOCUMENTARY 2Q2Q - THOSE WHO KNOW CANNOT SLEEP. Well's always good to hear from real women who think rather than the child like brain dead feminazis that get more attention then they deserve. Between that and the people I’ve seen laughing at the murder of little Cannon I’m at a real low in hope for the human race right now. Is there something that could be more conscious than use that deserves even more ethical consideration? At least I’m trying. Facts still coming in. Wish I had more time in my day to listen to all ya'll! Even the most mentally handicapped person is more alive and experiences life. I thought we all moved over here. I care about being able to discuss. @Macchiatowl One more thing about psychologists. But we have to know that what we're facing is as much a real threat to our liberty as any foreign actor. God has irrefutable evidence of Cain's guilt, but did not kill him. By what metric? I recommend the book Spinning Straw Into Gold by Joan Gould. ... That's crazy lyds. @Name Hidden Not only that, but it's a small world and word travels fast. ‘There is no good place to stand in the middle of a massacre.’Abortion is clearly wrong. When AOC mistook an Excel error for actual cash2. His rant was so so raw and real! The fear and anxiety of what they are now kicks in and makes it difficultto formulate.I have begun making lists of content I need to put togetherto have for such a discussion on why I believe the left and the culturewar from it poses a bigger threat in my view than Trump does, but I have to give him space to provide his reasoning and opposition to Trump.At least he is open and willing to have that discussion.Any suggestions on how to begin talking and addressing the culturewar threat? I wanna hear you contribute more tonight! However, let's not forget that toxic femininity has only gained the traction it has because of weak men and women looking to exploit the political climate. But we do need more companies that will stand up for their employees. @RichSilva Seems like a good tactic would be to continuously ask questions in a non-confrontational way. Seeing the left scream wrong trump after they called a terrorist a religious scholar really reinforced a lot of disdain for them in my mind. Lydia IRL where she’s diving into to philosophy and psychology. Yeah, using the PC version of Parler mostly because the mobile app needs some tweaks. .' 0. .....really? George Floyd was the "Shot heard round the world." FWIW. frick I was gonna watch that. It’s because I did the work and changed my mindset(also, Jordan Peterson is amazing). An abortion isn't " pro choice" it's killing an unborn child so let's stop calling it "prochoice" and start calling it " pro abortion". I love being a leader. Play music on the old one hooked up to wifi. That’s different from having rich meaningful experiences. Not a quote from the Hebrew but the general gist. Hard when my step brother I've known my whole life basically calls me a fascist bootlicker for daring to question the msm. But you see, these 17 democrat citiesare all run by the Good Guys so they can't be dangerous. You make a lot of valid points out of the background. @IntravenousDMT What makes you think others wouldn't follow this same line of thinking?You're not considering if it is a life or not, just how deep it's experiences are. Childless or 10 children, we all have to make sacrifices.I hate this idea that just because someone doesn't have kids, it makes them less than people who have kids.They are just as valuable too.We will not move forward as a society if we play that game of who is more important than others.I will let you respond to know your side of this. If you disagree, go play in the traffic man. . Rapunzel is a story about a toxic mother. He knowshis history. At work, so I'll have to catch the vod when it comes out. This banner text can have markup.. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation I recently had one of them defend the shooting of Jessica whitaker and Bernell Trammell. From last night: Wrapping children in bubblewrap is toxic motherhood. @IntravenousDMT Is it a life?That's the only question that matters. People who are regularly "technically right", often have very few friends. His rant was NOT A RANT, its anger, we sit by and tweet, thumbs up, thumbs down and what? 0. They deserve everything coming at them. My principals tell me not to kill human life. That is;“Which is more moral preventing a life or allowing it to exist?” It actually made me appreciate everything around me more. @namtab It’s able to but it doesn’t. @george76 Great... Whats wrong with ppl? Only after we are born do we have a range of experience. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Pro: Life. I’ll look for it. Everyone should watch. We already are way past "very screwed" and into the realm of the very dead. So many people are faced with the existential part of wanting to belong to “something” and with social breakdown of religion, marriage, family, and I’m person town squares like bars and places to court. Follow Valerie on Facebook (Your (Wo)Man in Washington) and Twitter (@WomanInDC) and find her on the blog at Mom-mentum. Black lives matter, you’re not a racist are you? Men can fight and then become friends. 0. @RichSilva Jesus Christ. Speak up! They would rather not have their kids harassed for any perceived "indiscretion" in their life. This is a unique challenge, and it's going to require unique fortitude and ideas.Not long ago, I was the one asking, WHAT CAN I DO?! I think this was her plan! @IntravenousDMT Then I guess another way to phrase it is - is a child that is 30 weeks old inside the body vs 30 weeks old outside have less experience at the moment of birth? No one is perfect and has at least one skeleton to be exploited. Thank u God. I hate twitter, I really do. I was more just pro-choice. What is it good for!? Sounds great! They'll get what's coming to them, just wait. We can't go on like this. Ohhh wait this is not tweeter...sorry carry on. I've been talking to friends about BLM's stated values (death to family, etc) and they were shocked! Ongoing free speech, which is refreshing after the censorship found on Twitter. In retrospect, I don't know why it wasn't the crap load of other things Dems were doing that did the trick...The best advice anyone can give you, is simply this: keep telling the truth knowing it may not even be enough. It is someones right to think the way that you want to think. I didn’t like the idea of abortion, but I thought it was merciful to let the child be spared from being born into a family that didn’t want it. This is done everyday by most, not all, psychologists and it is egregious malpractice.This alone tells me psychologists are not worthy of respect because if you can give in to an activist mob, who has no experience or education in psychology, and not put your patient's mental health above your fear of rejection or persecution, you are aren't fit to practice and worthy of someone's trust. Luckily . My employer has no business digging in my personal shit, especially if it doesn't affect my job. Each episode features action filmed just a few days previously. Agreed, it was not a rant. It's an eco chamber anyway. Viva la revolucion, still. I agree on the less tense part. Anonymous. Well at this point I feel like I'm just friends with half the country, which is fantastic. It was awesome and I had about an hour left. People are losing their ability to take responsibility for their actions and the ability to control ones self. It's wrong to point to one sex and lay the blame solely at their feet. Turning Straw Into Gold sees fairytales as a positive, and examines how women used them to help understand the world and cope with anxieties. They're not necessarily beyond saving — you never know who you'll wake up. Refuting EVERY Pro-Choice Argument | Heck Off, Commie! We need to incentivise people to be good parents. I just feel as if that story as a whole is more relevant now than ever. I think many of the center and conservative sides are awaiting 'critical mass' or at least a sign to come out of the shadows on social media and in person to counter protest and defend American values. ditto. For all of you new to Parler I interviewed the CEO of Parler @john a few days ago!!! Playing into the 3D chess? Looks like it’s in response to a crypto scam? I think you’d like the book. I agree on everything you said except calling people cowards. Snarky answer: more abortions less lefties.Considered answer:I thought , and I think most people think the baby is put down like a loved pet; they are sedated then gently the heart and breathing is stopped.I had no idea they rip babies apart fully conscious. @sourpatchlyds I told my wife the snake oil salesman will get call out eventually, women do not. Say Hi to Tim and Adam. Tim swore a couple of times, actually:1. I only believe in abortion when it comes to rape and incest. (We had twins a couple of years ago, finally). Sources someone left of center would find acceptable? How does the Peterson quote go? Copyright @2020 Peoplealso need to learnhow to actually think imo. Not gonna lie, it got me pumped up. I really want to know. Seems tough. This is probably a good time to begin an introspective thinking in each of us to decide when 'enough is enough' in our personal lives and where do we draw the line to take a personal stand? Genotyping points to divergent evolution of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ strains causing North American grapevine yellows and strains causing aster yellows. Keep it up! Can’t wait to here what you guys have to say! Im glad i live in Denmark where we respect each other and ppl having opinions we might not like. For example, someone who was locked in a room their entire life who hasnt had any experience of the outside world would be less worthy than the average person on the street.The problem I find with this discussion as a whole, is that the moment we start 'moralising' about what is and isnt life, you stem very close to harming living beings by logical extension. Replying to @sourpatchlyds. We got our hotel and I set everything up I could. I saw the rant live. Just like what Maclean’s does with Canadian crime stats to pretend Toronto is the safest. Twitter is absolutely disgusting. Good memery/bad memory. I've seen similar sentiment bubbling with other folks recently but Tim laid it out! He had to censor it, and that was the only instancrIn case of AOC - He swore a couple of times, things like "She doesn't know what the fuck she is talking about""My fucking god, she's got me swearing", I watched it live and it was epic and I will still watch it again . I know there are some cases were this is known to be true, but I wonder about the percentages. Seriously? I’m still on the fence about this. I was pro choice under less than ideal circumstances (rape and the like) to protect the mother. We ask not your counsels or arms. These are peaceful civil responsibilities that will NOT get you fired.I see people choosing not to do those things who then feel OK complaining and taking offense when people give them static for not doing what is within their reach to do. I watch as much as I can, and I catch parts of the live IRL sometimes. You can let Tim know he has been red pilled, as at this point red pilling isn't even just pro Trump, it's about willing to argue rationally about your position. The adoption programs we have are trash and need to be reformed, due to it being a complete mess. FASCINATING - KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov reveals Russian Subversion Tactics - Full Interview. @PotatoJones "The statues are strong,my lord...""RIP THEM ALL DOWN!". DARK TO LIGHT!!! 0. Yesterday's rant, @JakubDolecki I remember the clips about 1 & 2 but can't recall any swearing? All rights reserved. Let's say I invite you to take a ride on my plane, we are flying, and in middle of air I say get out of my plane. #SlightProgress, “I'd far rather be happy than right any day.”― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. UPDATE: I have just finished with the Friday show. If you know someone in this category, please ask them to contribute. I only have two people that are only willing to have the conversations with me. You need to speak up or fiddle with your microphone settings or something. It destroyed me. As well as other things. Bank run and this on the same day? Understanding psychology can be a tool to fight abuse and help those who have suffered from it make those better choices. It differs from male methods of attack. That people will have relationships without talking about what it means to be in a relationship. They took the fricking YouTube down. Even before that it still " experiences " the things that directly effect it. Domenic Remove card ellesclud pronhud Uralkali, a key Russian partner in an informal cartel which has helped to keep prices of the fertilizer artificially high, broke ranks this week, sending shares of the main producers crashing and leading to predictions of a fall in the price of potash of up to 30 percent. I firmly believe that the first step in all of this is to stock up your house with a lifetime supply of tea and honey for @Timcast .. his voice is a national treasure which must be protected at all cost. It could even be coming from blue checks and that’s bad.But this stuff is just the surface. I’ve been trying to convince people on the left to join parler today so it’s not just a right-wing fest. Help! THE TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION. there's no fun in waiting though. Fuckin sill worms think their hot shit. Ugh, twitter is full of such disgusting people. In other words, instead of sticking to what they know, they fabricate a diagnoses to fit faux or perceived societal normalities.I've not read the book, but I agree it sounds interesting & yes, Cinderella perseveres. Most people wouldbenefitfrom his wisdom. "Lyds, she's clearly talking about basically dumping Scott," Sam corrected the redhead and put a reassuring hand on Allison's arm. Have u heard word of the source of the demise of the blue checked ones? Where we come from no one really makes an issue of the death penalty. I think Americans have had enough. Tim's rant the other day got me to say ok, time to draw my line and start pushing back everywhere I can. We found him. 0. @RohanSaini Wait did I reply to you or did I reply to myself. "Who is the happiest of men? Only reason why is because I already listen to Tim's full regular podcast, so I want to "diversify" my sources. To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women. That we have characteristics of ourselves that are fairly static. For instance we give dogs more ethical consideration than ants because the depth of there experience is more. Okay WaPo, only .003% of the cities then? EVERYTHING, actually, lol! This is G. Edward Griffin's shocking video interview, Soviet Subversion of the Free-World Press (1984), where he interviews ex-KGB officer and Soviet defecto... Gio Tricella posted to Parler on June 26, 2020. Stay classy, twitter. The plane is mine, but you are not. Life, ALL life is sacred.If we are considering that colonizing Mars is off the table if microscopic life is discovered, why are the cells of a fetus anything less? But I found my voice in college.I found that when I have a platform to speak my ideas, people actually like the ideas. The level of sacrifice to make is up to us to determine.We will have to make SOME sacrifices. As for where I stand now, “the Kanye position” probably best sums it up. I think one the best weapons is economic. #NoHomo. Parker doesn't have a edit option either. Machine elves, 4th dimension, ghosts, bohemian grove. I know I do, but maybe it is just me. Join Facebook to connect with Jessica Manhollan and others you may know. The problem is that, in the battle of the sexes, there’s too much fraternizing with the enemy. #BEANIESFORFREEDOM#WILLTHEREALPATRIOTSSTANDUP. They proved his point by trying to argue on semantics. Her opponent dug into her life to find dirt and smeared her relentlessly and harassed her young teenage kids because when she was in her 20's she worked as a waitress at a strip club. These women Any notices will be under the 'Community' tab on the Timcast IRL YouTubechannel. 0. She responded with “what about rape?” I kind of shut up about it after that. ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!. You can dump trays of badly made food in the garbage, scrub ugly stains from the floor, throw the trash bag in the dumpster harder than you need to. AmericaforAmericans @1776July4. The happiest of man, is he who can see the beauty of the world in its darkest hour, he who can touch the soul of others with an injection of life. I can't tweet and I'm not even a blue check! I trust these guys in the pulpit as far as I can throw them. At one point in your life you were a fetus, take that into consideration. They probably wasn't expecting this much traffic. This is our test. After watching Louder with Crowder and his points, and having a son of my own I can’t condone it or be for it at all really. What happened? Unless Paul is hiding in your rv it's irrelevant. For instance a woman telling a man, “be a man, do this!” (So I won’t get in trouble if something goes wrong but I will benefit if it goes right). Come on in, the water’s fine….look, I went to seminary. A call to action in the face of insurmountable odds. Dec 15. Reminds me a lot of what you described. My plane my choice, I don't want you, so jump. 4h. This parker dude seems like a pain in the ass. Lydia sighed. I sunny think it's a good one, sorry. I'm always grumpy. Please pass on my thank you to the team! I was 100% pro choice most of my life. Yes, I had 4 separate vids on my feed last night all play simultaneously when I opened my browser... and they weren't muted lol And it was all Styxx I ended up going into Braves settings and stopping autoplay on Parler and a few commonly used vid hosting sites as a precaution. Also great saying, Selfishness is a major problem these days, it’s time we create a culture revolution to change that, Hey, is Soy Jesus in here? Also u being able to have a cute morally superior stance that’s simple and cut and dry may work for u but it still leaves questions unanswered and u have made a lot of assumptions based on nothing as far as I can tell besides your own emotional gut reaction. Yes and it is, simply put, barbaric at best. 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