soybean planting depth and spacing

Since a number of factors such as fertility status of the soil, moisture availability, growth pattern of the varieties and cultural practices influence both inter row and intra row spacing, optimum planting density should be It is important to place the seed into the ground at a precise depth and in firm contact with the soil. Soybeans are also sensitive to certain herbicide residues, so care should be taken to ensure carryover will not affect next year’s crop. and warming to ensure adequate soil temps is ideal. The same applies for any known history of Phytophthora, Sudden Death Syndrome, or any other soybean pathogens. Soybean Planting Rates The suggested soybean planting rates and final stands for different row spacings are provided in Table 4. Manually changing planting depth on a 24-row planter is good exercise, but may not always be worth the time it takes. However, it still is a good idea to stop, dig, and measure to determine if seeds are being placed at the depth and spacing desired. Thin successful seedlings from 4 to 6 inches (1015cm) apart; cutaway thinned seedlings with scissors at ground level being careful not to disturb the roots of remaining plants. Seed planted into soil that is 50°F germinates slowly, and emergence will probably be reduced. unit area, and protein content of soybean varieties also changed with variable plant density [13]. If a 130-cell disk is used for the same population and spacing, the RPM and MPH are 40.25 and 7.4, respectively. Planting date has a significant impact on corn yield when all other factors are equal. The trial consisted of 16 plots (four row widths, one soybean product, four replications), … A Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybean product with relative maturity (RM) of 2.4 was planted on 7 May 2012 in 7.5-inch (drilled), 15- and- 30-inch row, and 30-inch twin row systems. This occurs on 25 percent of the planting units when drills or air seeders having single disk openers are used to plant soybeans in 7.5-inch rows into corn stalks that were planted in 30-inch rows. Anidaso). In the 2005 farming season results indicated that crop establishment increased from planting depth of 1 cm (97.75%), reached a peak at 4 cm (98.82%) and declined through 6– 8 cm (94.15%) under flat field condition. The seeding rate and planting depth of the soybeans were 225,000 seeds/ ac and 1 to 1½”. In most cases, there is no difference between 7.5, 10, 15, or 20 inch row spacing and anything less than 30 inch is therefore consider narrow row spacing. Be sure there is no longer a risk of late freeze or frost by the time of the crop’s emergence seven to 10 days after planting. The yield difference between 30-inch rows and rows 20 inches or less can be as much as 2.9 bushels per acre, but there are other considerations. Farmers who have never used a soybean fungicide seed treatment may want to reconsider this spring, says Dean Grossnickle, a Syngenta agronomic service representative based in central Iowa. If planting 2 inches deep to access uniform moisture, make … Brian & Darren go over best practices for planting your soybean crop. Many farm operations have a corn and soybean planter running simultaneously. Aim for seed placement into uniform seedbed moisture conditions. You may want to apply a residual herbicide that will remain active in the soil for an extended period of time and act on successive weed germinations. A versatile legume, soybeans are a common cash crop that produce at least twice as much protein per acre as most other vegetables or grains. If a producer wants to keep the population the same while decreasing row spacing, it is necessary to reduce the number of seeds or plants per foot of row. Planting too fast may result in multiple seeds being planted, poor depth control, and erratic seed spacing. Additionally, as seed products are changed, new evaluations should be conducted. Drills usually do not handle rough seedbeds as well as plant­ers. Optimum Soil Temperature for Planting Soybean seed can germinate at a soil temperature of 54°F; however, 60°F is optimal.5 Placing seed into soils with temperatures below 60°F increases seed vulnerability to disease, insect feeding, and delayed emergence. till drill on 7.5” spacing, ¾” depth and at a seed-ing rate of 2 million seeds/ac (100 lbs/ac with a 20,500 seed count, 130 lbs/ac with a 15,000 seed count). Conclusion Across all site-years, regardless of early or late planting dates or tillage type, a planting depth of 1.75 inches maximized soybean yields. If topsoil moisture is lacking, use the deeper placement, but never plant deeper than 1½ inches. Depth of fall zone tillage did not affect soybean yield. Based on the regression equation, the relative yield increases by 0.5% for each inch the spacing is narrower from 30 inches up to the 7-inch row spacing. If a producer wants to keep the population the same while decreasing row spacing, it is necessary to reduce the number of seeds or plants per foot of row. Best dates and conditions for planting soybean in Minnesota. The seed-to-soil contact and planting depth in these rows are much less uniform than they are in … Fall zone‐till yields never exceeded those obtained with no‐till, even in environments where no‐till yields were less than those obtained with fall moldboard systems. The number of linear feet of row per acre can be found from the accompany­ing table. Licht says seed placement and spacing are not as crucial with soybeans as with corn. The soybean is native to East Asia, but today most soybean production takes place in the U.S. and South America. If planting 2 inches deep to access uniform moisture, make sure the variety has an excellent emergence score. Narrower row spacing allows for quicker canopy closure and greater light interception, helps block light from reaching weeds, … For the upper Midwest, optimal planting time is generally April 25 to mid-May. The plants spread and fill in gaps and perfect stands are not required for maximum yields. ; Measure the mesocotyl length (the area between the seed and crown or growing point, then add ¾ inch to determine the planting depth. Best dates to plant on to maximize yield potential. Broadcasting or aerial seeding followed by light tillage to cover seed often results in uneven emergence and stands that are too thin in some areas and too thick in others. When planting into warmer soils later in April or in May, 1.5 inches is good for soybeans and 1.75 inches for corn. Built and managed by the team at Acres U.S.A., the Voice of Eco-Agriculture, all our how-to information is written by research authors, livestock professionals and world-renowned growers. A corn planter usually does a better job than a grain drill, though modern drills have much better depth control than older drills. Like other types of beans, soybeans don’t do well when transplanted because of their shallow roots. But gaps of a foot or more between plants mean you need to adjust your planter settings. With conventional tillage glyphosate-resistant soybeans, it is recommended glyphosate be applied 24 to 30 days after planting. Since soybean seed is usually sold by weight rather than by number of seeds, you need to know the number of seeds per pound to figure pounds needed per acre. All is provided by Barchart Solutions. Soybeans can be susceptible to disease, with their closed canopy creating a humid microclimate. The last date of planting soybean for insured counties in Eastern South Dakota is June 10. Ideal seed depth for most conditions is 1¼ to 1½ inches, but beans can be planted up to 2 inches deep in sandy soils, or in dry conditions. For example, soil moisture, soil temperature, soil texture, and the weather forecast following planting should all be considered when determining planting depth. 2017 We prepared the seedbed with a field cultivator and planted the rye on April 12. Likewise, insecticide seed treatment may be desirable if the field is known for insect pests. If the seed dealer cannot give you number of seeds per pound, weigh a few one-ounce samples on a postage scale to get an average figure. Optimum Soil Temperature for Planting Soybean seed can germinate at a soil temperature of 54°F; however, 60°F is optimal.5 Placing seed into soils with temperatures below 60°F increases seed vulnerability to disease, insect feeding, and delayed emergence. Shallow depths of less than 1.25 inches with seeding rates of 35K-105K resulted in lower yields, as did deeper planting depths of 2.25 inches or greater at these seeding rates. Soybeans are planted at a more shallow depth compared to corn. The move toward narrow row spacing is therefore increasing in popularity in Iowa. When planting no-tillage glyphosate-resistant soybeans, such as Roundup Ready, a burn-down herbicide should be used before or at the time of planting if significant weed cover is present. However, it still is a good idea to stop, dig, and measure to determine if seeds are being placed at the depth and spacing desired. Ideally target planting at a depth of 1"-1.25" in optimal soil moisture conditions. Most research suggests that drilled or 15-inch row spacing, compared to 30-inch rows, tends to yield better over time. The 15-inch row seems to be the soybean sweet spot, especially for the Grain Belt. The University of Wisconsin recommends planting less than 140,000 seeds/acre in white mold areas, targeting a final stand of 100,000+ plants in productive fields, and targeting a final stand of 135,000+ in low productivity fields or areas within fields. At least 50˚F. At this point, plant a soybean variety with a relative maturity (RM) rating of 0.5 units shorter than your original soybeans. Planting Depth. Soybean germination begins when soil temperatures reach 50°F and moisture is present at the planting depth of 1-1.5 inches. Planting depth, row spacing, and planting population are important for stand establishment and plant development. Studies combining these factors, and seeding rate, were conducted during 2010 and 2011 at six Illinois locations. In the high speed planting study conducted at ISU (High Speed Planting Technology Article, Link 1), we found soybean survival rates at harvest are higher when they are planted with a system that can singulate and maintain good spacing, even at high planting populations. 2 Purdue Extension recommends row spacing between 7.5 and 15 inches for maximum soybean yield. Planting too slow may produce skips. However, it still is a good idea to stop, dig, and measure to determine if seeds are being placed at the depth and spacing desired. The experts will say the earlier you plant, the better the yield, but there must be adequate ground moisture and the weather should be in a warming trend. Planting and spacing. The best soybean yields occur on well-drained, but not sandy soils having a pH of 6.5 or above. In 2013 and 2014, we conducted a planting date trial at the Western Agricultural Research Station near South Charleston, Ohio. Then figure the pounds of seed needed per acre: Calibrate your planter accordingly and check seed drop in the field regularly. Soybean seed depth should be between ¾ to 1¼ inches. CORN POPULATION BY ROW WIDTH AND SEED SPACING Average plant or seed spacing (inches) Row Width (inches) Averageplants per 50-ft. row (number) 12 15 20 22 30 36 38 Plants or seeds per acre Planting depth can easily be determined after seedling emergence. In all row widths, the planted population was 140,000 seeds per acre. The nodal root area (crown or growing point) typically develops about ¾ of an inch beneath the soil surface regardless of the seed depth. Soybean seed depth should be between ¾ to 1¼ inches. Slower germination and compaction can negate the benefits of the earlier planting date. Join our community of thousands using this information to build their own profitable, ecological growing systems. soybean fungicide seed treatment may want to reconsider this spring, Look for these soybean diseases and maladies in 2021, Harness pheromones for sustainable pest control. For instance, if you live in central Minnesota and originally planted a RM 1.7 variety, by about June 10 switch to an early group I soybean (such as a RM 1.2). Some seeds will not germinate, and some that germinate will not become established because of weather, pests or disease. Soybean seed is very sensitive to planting depth, so producers need to be careful and get their crop off to a good start. By Laura Lindsey, Crop and Soil Scientist Ohio State University Extension shares the planting time, seeding rates and row widths that achieve higher soybean yields. NDSU soybean planting rate and row spacing trials, 2008-2019. But take time to take extra care. Planting Depth. Slower germination and compaction can negate the benefits of the earlier planting date. The nodal root area (crown or growing point) typically develops about ¾ of an inch beneath the soil surface regardless of the seed depth. Sow soybean seeds 1 to 2 inches (2.5-5cm) deep, 2 to 4 inches (5-1ocm) apart in rows 24 to 30 inches )61-76cm) apart. Soybean germination begins when soil temperatures reach 50°F and moisture is present at the planting depth of 1-1.5 inches. | Engineered by, Planting Soybeans: Calculating Density, Depth & Method. “You need to look at your planting window and your harvest window and determine what works best for you. Weed control is the primary concern through the early stages of plant growth until the canopy closes around late June. They need to look above and beyond their current cultural practices. Fall is the time to check soil nutrient levels in preparation for next year’s soybean crop. Timely planting is one key component of high soybean yield potential. Do not plant early if the soil is excessively cold or wet. Like any input, the cost must be weighed against yield gains. This occurs on 25 percent of the planting units when drills or air seeders having single disk openers are used to plant soybeans in 7.5-inch rows into corn stalks that were planted in 30-inch rows. Three planting densities were applied (70, 90 and 110 seeds per 1 m2) with two row spacing (16 and 32 cm), in 4 replications. (See Figure 1). Some varieties can emerge from greater depths than others. Planting date and field history are primary considerations when making your selection. If an insecticide/fungicide seed treatment is used, seeding rates can be reduced by 10,000 to 20,000 seeds per acre. They can tweak plant populations, planting depth, row spacing and seed treatments to improve stand and, ultimately, yields, but other factors can also This is a good time to inspect planting equipment to help ensure … Soybeans can be, and often are, no-till drilled into previous crop residue, a move that saves on cost without affecting yield. As processed meal or oil, soybeans make their way into human and animal foods, as well as an array of nonfood industrial products and fuel. SDSU research showed in a small plot study that moving from 30 inch rows to 15 inch rows increased yield up to 20 bushels per acre. Timely planting is one key component of high soybean yield potential. Slower germination and compaction can negate the benefits of the earlier planting date. If topsoil is adequate shallower seed placement may speed up emergence, but probably won’t make much difference under warm soil conditions. Put beans in the ground 2-3 weeks after the last frost date, when soil temperatures are about 60°F. If most of a field is lost, be sure enough growing season is left for beans to mature. Ultimately, soybean planting depth should be field specific and based more on soil conditions at the time of planting. Be sure your conditions are such that reduced row width and greater seeding rates justify the increased cost of seed. To see all exchange delays and terms of use, please see Farmers can determine when and how to plant their crop; therefore, controlling many management factors that may improve soybean yield potential. Planting depth surveys revealed that only 20 percent of the fields planted with drills were planted at or near the intended depth. Planting soybeans is really nothing new, and you can say the whole thing has come full circle. To achieve a desired soybean plant population, you need to calculate the number of seeds required. Phomopsis infested a share of soybeans last year, and the inoculum may carry into this year’s seed lots. Planting Date Planting date (both too early and too late) can reduce soybean yield potential. The torque required to turn the finger pickup mechanism should be adjusted with the appropriate tension tool. The seed-to-soil contact and planting depth in these rows are much less uniform than they are in the other rows. ptown at Happy’s Bar and Grill, asking someone how deep they are planting their corn is a common way to open a … Seed depth will mostly depend on soil type and soil conditions at planting time. is the world’s most useful farming, ranching and growing website. Residual herbicides require moisture to activate, but not too much, or the chemicals can break down too quickly, so watch the weather report when planning application. Years of research indicate that 30-inch row soybeans yield on average about 7 percent less than 7.5- or 15-inch row soy- beans (Hanna et al., 2007; Oplinger and Philbrook, 1992). Soybean seeds should be planted deep enough to absorb enough moisture to germinate, but not so deep that they have trouble emerging from the soil. Planting depth can easily be determined after seedling emergence. Soybean farmers need to be flexible enough to embrace new technologies and methods. Ultimately, soybean planting depth should be field specific and based more on soil conditions at the time of planting. Optimal Soil Temperatures. Time is short. Maximum yield at all locations was attained at a final harvest population of 462,200 plants ha −1 but >95% of the maximum yield was achieved with final populations as low as 258 600 plants ha −1. (See Figure 1). Even with monitors showing down force and seeding depth, it’s still important to check what actually is happening. It can be used to confirm planter accuracy during planting, or to evaluate crop stand after emergence. average seed spacing. Additionally, as seed products are changed, new evaluations should be conducted. Ultimately, soybean planting depth should be field specific and based more on soil conditions at the time of planting. The planting season is hectic. Grain Drills Grain drills are designed for planting narrow rows (7 to 10 inches). Soybean seed depth should be between ¾ to 1¼ inches. Planting depth, row spacing, and planting population are important for stand establishment and plant development. Results of study showed that sowing pearl millet into soybean at the intra-row spacing of 30 cm produced the highest pearl millet yields of 4.7 t ha-1and 4.9 t ha respectively, at Makurdi and Ibi locations, as well as producing the highest soybean yields at … The best soybean yields occur on well-drained, but not sandy soils having a pH of 6.5 or above. How to avoid planting in bad weather and soil conditions. If topsoil moisture is lacking, use the deeper placement, but never plant deeper than 1½ inches. Once planting season begins, it is of utmost importance to follow best practices for safety and environmental stewardship. Seeding rates Recommended soybean seeding rates in Minnesota. Planting in early April carries significant risk, but when successful can produce impressive yields. plants) and grain yield of soybean (Glycine max cv. In determining when to put seeds in the ground, soil condition and weather trump date. Do not apply herbicide. Planting Depth. Farmers growing both corn and beans often find themselves fighting spring rains to get both crops in the ground on time. The average relative soybean seed yield among row spacings, ranging from 7- to 30-inches, and averaged across planting rates and all North Dakota site-years is shown in Figure 2. “While for others, it’s hard for them to wrap their heads around that change.” For larger farms he suggests running two planters simultaneously. As field conditions change or if there are major changes in soil type, evaluations should be conducted again. The advantages of planting soybean in 15- or 30-inch Most research suggests that drilled or 15-inch row spacing, compared to 30-inch rows, tends to yield better over time. Best results are obtained using a unit planter or grain drill to plant in rows. © 2020 Meredith Corporation. Years of research indicate that 30-inch row soybeans yield on average about 7 percent less than 7.5- or 15-inch row soy-beans (Hanna et al., 2007; Oplinger and Philbrook, 1992). Row Spacing & Seeding Rates Row spacing and seeding rates can impact yield of soybean production in South Dakota. Typical planting depths are 1 to 1½ inches, but if soil is low in moisture or sandy, plant 2 inches deep. In areas prone to pathogens like white mold, plant spacing of up to 30 inches may be preferable. ; Measure the mesocotyl length (the area between the seed and crown or growing point, then add ¾ inch to determine the planting depth. In other cases, sow with a row spacing of 45 cm. through use of efficient soybean planting practices is important to producers. There are weather risks on both ends.”. “The goal is to get the best results from the potential of the genetics,” says Licht. Soybean planting depth … Soybean Planting Rates The suggested soybean planting rates and final stands for different row spacings are provided in Table 4. On clean and herbicide-treated fields, drill sowing is used, which makes two or three inter-row treatments unnecessary. • Uniform planting depth and emergence • Changes in seeding rates – RR seed cost - 2007 • List price – $30.99 to 33.99 vs. farm gate – $23.50 to 26.50 • Changes in planting date and environment 2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings. Do not plant early if the soil is excessively cold or wet. In this week's ag update, hear from Devin, Asmus Farm Supply's Head of Pioneer Seed Sales, as he talks about corn planting depth and spacing. An even bigger concern is that in 68 percent of the fields, the seed was planted too deep, a condition known to delay emergence. Adjust soybean maturities when planting after about June 10. The recommended soybean planting depth is 3 – 4 cm, and the seed rate varies significantly according to local conditions. Spring coulter tillage did not increase yields over those obtained with no‐till. No-till fields will have cool soils longer into the season than tilled fields and commonly will have more seedling disease problems. If the field was previously planted to corn, check phosphorous and potassium levels. Average (4‐year) water use was 23.6 cm, and was not significantly affected by plant spacing. If a stand of soybeans is reduced by disease, pests, hail, flood­ing, herbicide injury, etc., replanting may be considered. Soybean Planting Depth. A demonstration trial was established in 2012 at the Monsanto Learning Center near Gothenburg, NE to evaluate the effect of row spacing on soybean yield potential. Most of these studies have concluded that planting soybean … Soybean planted in 38‐cm row spacing yielded 248 kg ha −1 greater than soybean planted in 76‐cm rows after adjustment for differences in final plant populations. Today most soybean production in South Dakota planting population are important for stand establishment and plant.. 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