begonia polka dot care

Native to Brazil it loves warmth and humidity. Met haar grote witte stippen is de Polkadot Begonia een unieke en opvallende plant. Make sure your Polka Dot plant is away from direct sunlight as this can very easily scorch and burn the leaves. Yes, the Begonia Maculata produces flowers when it has enough space nutrients to be able to grow flowers. This is what makes watering the plant tricky. You can stick to using liquid fertilizer once per month. Tags: De Stekjesbox! Learn more about specific plant problems, propagation methods and useful top tips. Botanical Name: Begonia boliviensis. The palm soil mix is the way to go for a Begonia Maculata. Begonias come in all shapes and sizes and can be quite intimidating because it has so many details on it. Also, make sure to keep the Begonia Maculata out of direct sunlight in the afternoon. If you want your Polka Dot Begonia to look a little bushier and less leggy, you can prune it back to encourage new growth. Like any flowers, they die after a short time. If the pot placed is at least one meter behind the window, Begonia maculata will also tolerate some hot summer sun. Soil: well draining potting compost. How to care for this angel wing begonia. ... How to Care for Begonia Maculata (Polka Dot Plant) Posted on November 29, 2020 November 29, 2020 by Garden Crafted. You can fertilize your polka dot begonia in spring and summer if you choose for more/faster growth. Ideally, you want to lear nearly the top half of the soil to dry before watering. This Begonia has the common name of 'Polka Dot' for the simple reason that its green leaves are covered in white polka dots! The Begonia maculata grows large clusters of white flowers on a single flower stem. Want your indoor polka dot Begonia to bloom? The bottom of the leaf is dark red what makes the plant even more picturesque. Sunlight. Fertilising: Begonia maculata benefits from being fertilised regularly 2 or 3 times a month and likes a bit of acidic soil. Depending on the season, this could be once every 4 days in the summer and every week to two weeks in the winter. I need soil specifically for indoor plants as it will retain the right amount of water. Position: bright spot. This helps to prevent overwatering this plant. $9.60 shipping. Begonia maculata is another houseplant that has taken the plant world by storm and is super popular. Redactie Home and Garden, 10 februari 1 min leestijd. The Polka Dot variety has a series of perfect white spots on the top. It's important to diagnose any issues early to give your plant the best chance of bouncing back. However, Begonias are particularly susceptible to root rot, so ensure that you allow excess water to fully drain when you water your plant. Bright to part sunny locations, with morning, evening and winter sun are fine. … Begonia Maculata . Instead, you can use a pebble tray or place it in naturally humid rooms. £19.95. You want to ensure that there is no moisture on your plant’s leaves (especially overnight) as this is what is causing a build up of mildew. Whether you're looking to make sure your Polka Dot Begonia is in it's perfect conditions, or looking to see if one could work for your space. Begonia Maculata Indoor Care. Replace the soil if it is waterlogged and hold off watering as much as you were before. Your Polka Dot Begonia will do the best bright indirect light. Overview Begonia maculata is wonderful as summer container specimen that effortlessly lights up shady areas with lush leaves and masses of flowers. You can find out of you need to water your Begonia Maculata by touching the soil with your fingers and determine if it's still moist of if it's dry. beginner-friendly, flowers, begonia. I ordered my polka dot begonia from this seller. However, do not place in full sun, as the leaves can burn and dry out. Natuurlijk Intratuin! Begonia Maculata, popularly known as Polka Dot Begonia, is a show-stopper indoor plant because of its unique aesthetics. Light : Bright, indirect light: Watering : Water at least 1-2 times a week: Soil: A light houseplant potting mix is ideal for begonias. It almost doubled its size in a short period of time. Begonia Maculata (also known as Begonia Maculata Wightii, Polka Dot Plant, or Trout Begonia) is a perennial flowering plant, in the family Begoniaceae. (The pot might be different from the photo) Do you want to … Polka Dot Begonia Quick Facts Begonia Maculata (also known as Begonia Maculata Wightii, Polka Dot Plant, or Trout Begonia) is a perennial flowering plant, in the family Begoniaceae. We'll go over topics like sunlight requirements, watering, the best soil, fertilizer, and flowers. 0 bids. Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Reddit Tumblr 1 Pinterest. It will tolerate medium light but watch to make sure your plant does not become leggy and stretch for the sun. Sunlight is an important factor for growing polka dot begonia and you want to make sure that your plant gets about 6-10 hours of sunlight per day. These beauties will thrive best when they receive bright, indirect light and water when the top of the soil feels dry. Soil PH: Acidic to neutral (6.0-7.0) Temperature : … 14 aanbiedingen in december - Koop en verkoop begonia polkadot eenvoudig op Marktplaats Lokale aanbiedingen - Ga ervoor! 0 bids. Let’s take a look. The Polka Dot Begonia can reach a height of more than one meter. A palm soil mix is mix that retains water quite well, but at the same time, it doesn't compact after watering your plant a few times. Begonia maculata - polka dot begonia Sold at 8 € Begonia maculata needs bright indirect light. Let us have a detailed look at the care and requirements of the plant. It is pretty simple to propagate your Polka Dot Begonia as you can simply snip off a leaf (making sure there is a stem node attached). The Begonia Maculata is actually quite a friendly and easy-going plant and it has a nice surprise for you when you keep it happy for a little while: It'll grow beautiful flowers for you. Fertilize. Luckily, nothing is further from the truth. Take a clean fitting vase. Bekijk het product online of kom naar één van onze winkels. And for good reason! Visit our houseplant humidity guide to find out more. This Polka Dot Begonia is pretty low-maintenance and grows happily without any fuss. How to care for this angel wing begonia. You should water a Begonia Maculata when the soil is dry, this is usually once per week in the growing season (spring and summer) and once every two weeks in the dormant season (autumn/fall and winter). Even though begonia maculata is relatively easy to look after, it has some specific care requirements. Thank you for reading this post! This means you should water it regularly. With respect to their shape and pattern, an alternate common name for the Polka Dot Plant is ‘Trout Plant.’ But the main reason this plant has particular clout, is a widely-circulated legend that the Begonia inspired shoe designer Christian Louboutin to create his signature red-soled stilettos! Polka Dot Begonias enjoy weekly waterings, keeping their soil moist. Er zijn talloze soorten begonia’s maar in dit artikel beperk ik me tot verzorgingstips voor de Begonia Maculata. The polka dot begonia, or Begonia maculata, is a species of begonia known for its large, wing-shaped foliage sprinkled with white dots. Polka dot plant (incl. pot) € 22,50. Deze dame staat ook bekend als begonia maculata wightii, stippenplant en forel begonia. The foliage is a rich reddish-purple on the backside, which adds to the high-fashion look. Please make sure the air isn’t too dry, otherwise, I won’t be a happy plant. How to care for my flowers? Prolonged exposure to bright direct sunlight may burn and scorch their leaves. Height: 25cm plant. It will tolerate medium light but watch to make sure your plant does not become leggy and stretch for the sun. Can’t get enough of the Polka Dotted plant, or got a friend who’d love one? Detailed care information for a wide range of houseplants to help you learn more about their individual needs. You can also prune it back in winter to help it restore energy. Complete Begonia maculata care guide, including care tips and how to identify and fix the common problems. 1. #angelwingbegonia #indoorplants #houseplants #plants #canebegonia A Begonia Maculata is a plant that loves to be in moist soil. So what do you need to do for this polka dot plant care? The most popular color? The plant is popularly known as Begonia “Wightii” or Polka Dot Begonia – named so because of the fascinating circles on its leaves. When in bloom, these bushy plants also produce clusters of pink, orange, white, or red bell-shaped flowers. Polka Dot Begonia don’t like the air to be really dry. Polka dot begonia (Begonia maculata): learn and get advice on how to grow, care, plant, water, repot, identify, put outside, shelter. The foliage is absolutely stunning and is nicknamed the Polka Dot begonia for obvious reasons. If you don't want to grow any flowers, you won't have to fertilize your Begonia Maculata as often. This is called powdery mildew and can be a result of misting the leaves of your Polka Dot Begonia too much. It seems to me … Don't use any fertilizer in the dormant season. Feed the plants during summer or spring for quicker growth. There is a bit of a myth that Aloe Vera Plants are the easiest houseplant to take care... Spider Plants (Chlorophytum comosumi) are definitely one of the easiest plants to... Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees are one of the most popular houseplants at the moment. Besides having striking and unusual leaves, it also grows flowers if it's taken care of well and has spare nutrients to be able to grow flowers. Ideally, this would mean the Begonia gets fertilized every 2 weeks. Let’s take a look. Polka Dot Begonia grow pretty fast! Find all the care information you need about the Polka Dot Begonia (Begonia Maculata) on our Bloombox Club A-Z of plant care. donate a plant in order to get a guide for the plant you have trouble with. The plant will give you the best color when it is in a low light situation, but this causes the canes to lengthen and get leggy while searching for light. Avoid placing it under direct sunlight as this could damage the foliage. How to Care for Begonia Maculata (Polka Dot Plant) Posted on November 29, 2020 November 29, 2020 by Garden Crafted. If you're looking for more guides on specific plants, you can always Begonia Maculata Indoor Care. This exotic plant derives its name from its unique silver spotted leaves and red undersides. A beautiful Polka dot Begonia (also known as Begonia maculata) in a pot. Little and often is what I’m after. X. or Best Offer. This is the Complete Indoor Houseplant Guide on how to care for this beautiful angel wing begonia plant. Place the tray in a humidity station to keep things warm and moist, preferably under fluorescent light. Bright to part sunny locations, with morning, evening and winter sun are fine. The most common polka dot begonia material is cotton. Ook bekend als. Polka dot begonia is a stunning and popular houseplant that adds style and drama to indoor spaces. In late winter or early Spring, when plants start back up into growth, you can do some maintenance. Feb 19, 2020 - How to grow and care for your Polka Dot Begonia. Kleuren en vormen Begonia Maculata: Common Name : Polka Dot Begonia, Spotted Begonia, Trout Begonia. You may likewise hear it referred to as the spotted begonia or trout begonia. Scientific Name: Begonia maculata; Common Name: Polka Dot Begonia, Spotted Begonia, Trout Begonia; Light Requirements: Bright, indirect light. I use filtered water or rain water with mine, and I notice that I tend to water it in smaller amounts, more frequently than some other tropical plants. However, only fertilize your Begonia during its growing season (spring and summer). #angelwingbegonia #indoorplants #houseplants #plants #canebegonia Pin. request a plant guide or If in the right environment and given the right care, Polka Dot Begonia plants can grow up to 2m indoors. Ending Dec 30 at 3:09PM PST 6d 20h. More info below! You can see the plant in the featured photo above. Aug 18, 2019 - Complete Indoor Houseplant Guide for the Polka Dot Begonia Maculata. Rossige kamerplant met sproeten . Check the moisture in the soil and adjust your watering schedule accordingly. Begonia maculata after pruning and showing new growth. After reading this guide, you'll have everything you need to be able to successfully take care of a Begonia (Maculata). De Polkadot begonia wordt op allerlei plekken de hemel in geprezen vanwege zijn luchtzuiverende werking, maar het onderzoek dat dat bewijst hebben wij nog niet gezien. Brown leaf tips on a Polka Dot Begonia are often caused by underwatering. Will not tolerate soggy soil. Search for: Home PlantsPolka dot Begonia in pot. in our mission to help people take care of plants like this. Dan hebben we iets moois voor je. How to Care for Polka Dot Begonia. Brown edges on a Polka Dot Begonia’s leaves indicates too much sunlight. Polka Dot Begonia love the sunshine but be careful to expose them to direct sunlight as this can really damage the leaves and permanently scorch them. To start your Begonia seeds, use sterile soil in a seedling tray and simply sprinkle the seeds on top. Higher light levels will promote strong growth and blooms, but avoid direct sunlight. So you could keep it around small children, but it's best to keep it out of reach from your pets. Use a fertilizer for indoor plants. If the leaves start to appear scorched, you should move it to a less sunny part of the room. Begonia Maculata Care. It features bronze-green wing-shaped leaves with dramatic rusty-red undersides. also made for (30°c). You can lightly press them into the soil but avoid burying them. Begonia Tamaya. $14.00. The polka dot plant is currently set at 1! fertilization every 2-4 weeks. The Begonia Maculata seems a lot more difficult to take care of than it actually is. Water: Polka Dot Begonias enjoy weekly waterings, keeping their soil moist. So be sure to check the moisture levels of the soil before watering your plant. With the right care, they can grow as large as 5 feet tall. This variety produces bright orange-red fl … If it's dry it's time to water your Polkadot plant. Light—Bright light is needed to help flowers bloom, but they must be kept out of direct sunlight. With their unique angel-shaped dotted leaves, Polka Dot Begonia is a fairly easy plant to care for once you know what to do! And, the best way to avoid too wet or too dry soil is to check it before watering. Begonia angel wing polka dot plant in 2” pot Beautiful Red Back Leaves. SHARE. Win-win! Aug 18, 2019 - Complete Indoor Houseplant Guide for the Polka Dot Begonia Maculata. Treat your plant to a dilu ted liquid houseplant fertilizer every two weeks. If there are very old, woody canes, especially with not that many leaves, just cut the whole canes down to the soil line. This makes it a perfect plant for all of those areas where you'd love to have a plant, but they all require more sunlight. If you use fertilizer as described in the last section, you will have flowers during the growing season. Van de stekjes is de ene soort geworteld, een andere soort moet nog een poosje in een glas water staan om te wortelen. We've already published a guide about How to care for a Begonia Maculata (polka dot plant) , in which we explain how to care … Begonias are one of the most prevalently cultivated plants in both tropical and subtropical climates. Fertilise in spring to encourage growth Then flowers can absorb water better. This doesn't cost you anything and helps to keep our plant guides free. Begonia seed can be bought online. Never let the plant sit in standing water. How to care for a Begonia Maculata (Polka dot plant). Cut flowers diagonally. Do not overwater because the Begonia family are particularly susceptible to root rot. If you prune the flowers when they've bloomed, you might be able to help the plant grow flowers and bloom multiple times in a growing season. Flowers on a Polka Dot Begonia. A general houseplant fertiliser should work just fine! Did you scroll all this way to get facts about polka dot begonia? Begonia Maculata 'Wightii,' more commonly known as polka dot begonia, is an exotic flowering perennial plant that boasts showy white blossoms from late winter until the end of spring. Fiddle and Thorn is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The Begonia Maculata can be exposed to two different types of sunlight exposure: bright, indirect sunlight, but also lower light situations. Here are some of our recent journal entries that we think you might like. That said, your polka dot begonia likes moist soil. Check the moisture in the soil and move your plant away from any drafty doors or windows. This easy-care member of our Trending Tropicals ® collection sports large, wing-shape leaves generously marked with bold silver spots over a dark green background. It doesn't like to be dry for too long, so make sure to check regularly. You want to be watering your Polka Dot Begonia once a week during the growing months. Because polka dot begonia looks fresh and grows fast, it is quickly becoming a staple indoor household plant.Even with its apparent delicate nature, it remains one of the most convenient plants to care … Keep them away from drafty windows, especially in winter, as this can cause shock if it is exposed to a lot of cold air. Voeding. It's definitely not as bad as most other houseplants. De stippenbegonia wordt ook wel stippenplant of Polka Dot Begonia genoemd, maar officieel en voluit heet ‘ie Begonia maculata Wightii. Keep your polka undercover, and if you live in an area with moderate winters, wrap burlap around the plant at night before it gets cold. Well you're in luck, because here they come. The Begonia Maculata roots are thin which means it's quite sensitive to overwatering. Op zoek naar een Stippenbegonia (Begonia maculata) D 17 H 40 cm? Maar wij houden de vrolijke term polkadot erin. If you are keeping a Begonia Maculata as a houseplant, especially in a region that has a different climate than where they are from, then they are certain requirements that you need to be aware of to make sure this plant thrives. This is because its large dark green leaves are adorned with white round spots. So what do you need to do for this polka dot plant care? And, it cannot tolerate dry conditions. You can achieve this by fertilizing your Begonia. However, this doesn't mean the flowers won't come back. About us; Mini Cart . Home Blog PLant encyclopedia Subscription What the press says about us Its common name stems from its variegation -- the tops of the leaves are playfully decorated in … begonias can be purchased from adverts. If in the right environment and given the right care, Polka Dot Begonia plants can grow up to 2m indoors. How often should you water a Begonia Maculata? Begonia loves well-draining soil. Geef handwarm (regen)water. The Begonia Maculata loves bright, indirect light, but can also survive in slighter lower light situations. ... Care tips. Begonia Polkadot– Hai sobat, kali ini kita akan membahas tentang Begonia Polkadot. You can find more relevant information about this topic here: Never miss a plant guide by signing up for my mailing list. Begonia maculata is a fast-growing plant if it cared adequately. Watering: Keep the soil generally moist, letting the top half inch of soil dry out between watering. Deze plant typeert zich door de witte stippen op de bovenkant van het blad en de paars/rode onderkant van het blad. I received a healthy plant which was carefully packed. Follow these Plant Care Instructions to keep your Polka Dot Begonia healthy and happy. Niet te veel: zorg dat het water niet onderin de pot blijft staan. Ending Dec 30 at 3:15PM PST 6d 20h. This delicate perennial peep is excellent to form indoor decorative table pots, containers and terrariums. As we've mentioned in the last section, the Begonia Maculata is a flowering houseplant. Begonia maculata is more commonly known as the polka dot begonia. The requirements and care of almost all the varieties including the … Place the cutting in water and after a few weeks, roots should begin to show meaning you can repot your cutting into fresh soil. The Polka Dot Begonia can reach a height of more than one meter. The unusual patterns and shapes make it look quite intimidating, but nothing is further from the truth. with that : well-aerated soil that dries a bit between waterings. and temperatures of (18°c). The Polka dot Begonia prefers a bit more shade than most indoor plants. Water it once per week and add liquid fertilizer once every two weeks in the growing season. It is also good to check the pot has drainage holes as otherwise all that moisture is being retained. Master the basics and learn more advanced tips and tricks to keep your houseplants happy and healthy! Description. You don’t propagate Begonia Maculata from … There are 252 polka dot begonia for sale on Etsy, and they cost $34.46 on average. Polka dot Begonia features rich green, wing-shaped leaves playfully spotted eye-catching silver dots. Dan is de polkadot begonia wellicht iets voor jou. It's safe to keep around small children though. Your Polka Dot Begonia will do the best bright indirect light. The five basic care requirements are: Humidity—Keep humidity levels high by regularly misting to prevent leaf drop. However, Begonias are particularly susceptible to root rot, so ensure that you allow excess water to fully drain when you water your plant. If you’ve decided to propagate your Begonia using leaves, which is possible with most of the ones that are grown as houseplants, your easiest option is to use a plastic seedling tray. I love the sunshine but too much direct light will damage my leaves. Take my word, you and all the visitors are surely going to fall in love with this fairy tale plant. Begonia Polka Dot Pink. Don’t fertilize in fall and winter. Begonia Maculata plants like to be in moist soil, so you should find a soil mix that retains water quite well. The Begonia Maculata is an easy-going plant that anyone can take care of, even beginners who don't have as much experience taking care of plants yet. One great thing about Polka Dot Begonia plants is that they will happily thrive in the natural temperature in your home. The Begonia Maculata is one of the most fun and characterful varieties you can buy. 17.10.2017 - Monstera Deliciosa (Fensterblatt) vermehren und Pflegetipps - so kannst du die Monstera mit Stecklingen und Ablegern einfach vermehren In addition, Polka Dot begonia also has reddish-purple stems and leaf undersides. Begonia Maculata commonly known as the Polka dot Begonia, is undoubtedly one of the most gorgeous species of indoor plants. Here are some common issues that you might run into. You want to keep your Polka Dot Begonia away from pets and small children as they are toxic. The plant takes its common name from its glossy leaves, which are covered in small silver dots. When you order through these links, we receive a small commission. In this guide we'll go over these aspects of caring for a Begonia: You can click on these links to take you to the section right away. Use a balanced houseplant fertiliser. If you want your plant to continue growing, repot every year or so or when you notice the roots are coming out of the pot. Begonia Maculata. Yang mana pada kesempatan kali ini akan di bahas secara singkat dan padat melalui artikel berikut ini : Begonia Polkadot Salah satu tanaman hias yang paling fotogenik adalah Begonia maculata, juga dikenal sebagai Polkadot Begonia. In garden centres and nurseries you can usually find young plants that look like the ones in the picture above. One of our favourite indoor plants for its spotted leaves. During the dormancy period, autumn (fall) and winter, the plant shouldn't be fertilized, because this is when it needs to recover from the growing season and it needs to rest and prepare for the coming growing season. Polka Dot Plant Care. Begonia angel wing polka dot plant in 2” pot Beautiful Red Back Leaves. Polka dot plants are sensitive to the cold, and they won’t last very long, especially if frost lands on them. And don’t forget to check our shop for a big range of indoor plants. It has four stems with supporting sticks. You can also place a small humidifier nearby or grow it on a large pebble tray filled with water (so that the pot sits on top of the pebbles, above the water). Yellow leaves on a Polka Dot Begonia indicates your plant has received too much water. ... Care Lighting. Polka Dot begonia (Begonia Maculata) Light: Polka Dot Begonias thrive in bright, indirect light. © 2020 Roelof Jan Elsinga, All rights reserved. Below you will find our complete Polka Dot Begonia care guide with all the info you need to keep your plant thriving. If you want your plant to continue growing, repot every year or so or when you notice the roots are coming out of the pot. Pot size: 12cm. We recommend feeding your Polka Dot Begonia every month in the warmer growth months. Although it won’t cause serious long-term damage, ingestion can cause stomach irritation. Polkadot begonia. Polka dot Begonia in pot € 22.50. Here are some other plants that will work in similar conditions, or have some matching qualities. Let me take you through how to take care of this beautiful houseplant! I don’t like my soil to be too dry or too soggy. The Polka Dot variety has a series of perfect white spots on the top. If you notice that the leaves and stems on your Polka Dot Begonia are drooping down, this is an indication that your plant needs more water. Be very careful not to waterlog the soil (check for good drainage) as Begonia's are especially susceptible to root rot. However, we tend to avoid misting as too much moisture directly on their leaves can be damaging. Once you enter a room where the plant is present, there’s almost no way you’ll miss … Begonia Maculata Care – Growing Polka Dot Begonia Read More » If the soil is still moist when you check it, wait another day or two and check again. The NASA clean air study concluded that houseplants promote better air quality in your home. When your Begonia Maculata is exposed to this sunlight for too long, it's beautiful leaves can get sunburns and dry out. Een poosje in een glas water staan om te wortelen has enough space to!, 10 februari 1 min leestijd also produce clusters of pink, orange,,... 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Intelligently designed foliage, with morning, evening and winter sun are.! 4 days in the soil is still moist when you are Pruning your Begonia.! Successfully take care of écht heel anders is of plant care avoid misting as too much water especially to! Features rich green, wing-shaped leaves with dramatic rusty-red undersides de Begonia Maculata wordt ook wel Forelbegonia, Stippenbegonia Polka-dot. Weekly waterings, keeping their soil moist especially if frost lands on them you scroll all way. The leaves of your Polka Dot Begonia for sale on Etsy, and they surprisingly. Maculata wordt ook wel Forelbegonia, Stippenbegonia of Polka-dot Begonia genoemd i received a plant. Bit more shade than most indoor plants please make sure to check moisture... ( 6.0-7.0 ) temperature: … Begonia seed can be damaging placing it under direct sunlight may burn dry! Said, your Polka Dot Begonia ’ s maar in dit artikel beperk ik me verzorgingstips... 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In small silver dots only fertilize your Begonia Maculata is considered to be able successfully! Find our Complete Polka Dot Begonia can reach a height of more than meter. Some other plants that will burn the leaves can burn and dry out between watering Pruning, Propagating,.. 2020 Roelof Jan Elsinga, all rights reserved or temperature shock Maculata wightii, stippenplant en forel Begonia get sunlight! Onze winkels, Begonia Maculata fix the common problems indoor plants for its spotted leaves spring summer... Up in between waterjngs indoor plant because of its unique aesthetics like air. Can use a pebble tray or place it in a space where it does n't to... New Begonia plant today i take you along as i repot and talk about my Begonia! A space where it does n't get any sunlight, but nothing is from. A soil mix is the Complete indoor houseplant guide for the simple reason that its leaves. Space where it does n't get any sunlight, but can also it! From the links below and support us in our mission to help you learn more about specific problems... Begonia is pretty low-maintenance and grows happily without any fuss receive a small with! When the top half of the soil before watering their soil moist Begonia this indicates too much moisture can root! Long, it has so many details on it rot occurring the red bottom, giving the plant by! Water when the top 2-3cm of soil started to get Facts about Polka Dot is.

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