texas tech el paso rn to bsn

The average registered nurse earns between $41K to $70K per year, where nursing professionals with more advanced degrees and more experience earn over $100K per year. El Paso Community College has been educating the greater community of El Paso for over 50 years, with numerous degrees and certification programs. Institutions that offer more programs were also ranked higher than those that only offer an ADN. RNtoBSNProgram.com is an advertising-supported site.

to B.S.N. The DNP is a professional doctorate. These experiences prepared students to think critically and respond calmly through administering care even in emergencies. The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education certifies the baccalaureate degree in nursing at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Centre El GGHSON. Some of these programs may be listed as "RN", however that may mean ADN or BSN degree, please visit the school's website for program details. props: {"backgroundColor":"#ffffff","category":"nursing-and-healthcare","cta":"Find Your School","ctaColor":"#946CE0","degree":"bachelors","height":"325","subject":"nursing","title":"Degree Finder","publisher":"rntobsnprogram.com","url":"https://www.rntobsnprogram.com/nursing-schools-in-el-paso-tx/"} UTEP offers a BSN, MSN and DNP degrees in nursing. As one of the only institutions in west Texas that provide advanced nursing education for the community, Texas Tech HSC offers BSN, MSN, and DNP in a variety of formats to meet the needs of professional students seeking to advance their careers. window.HE.contextualDefaults = window.HE.contextualDefaults || {"degree":{"id":2,"name":"Bachelor's","slug":"bachelors","weight":0,"categoryIds":[10,1,7,2,3,13,8,5,11,4,9]},"category":{"id":5,"name":"Nursing & Healthcare","slug":"nursing-and-healthcare","weight":0,"subjectIds":[5,6,55,59,67,72,83,89,96,101,102,105,148,160,165,198,199,204,206,207,211,212,215,216,219,220,222,231,244,261,269,273,274,275,276,277,283,285,287,300]},"subject":{"id":89,"category_id":5,"name":"Nursing (RN required)","slug":"nursing","occupational_codes":"11-9111,29-1111,29-1199,29-2061,31-1012","cip6_codes":"51.3800,51.3900","relatedSubjectIds":[5,198,72,283,231,59],"occupationalCodes":"11-9111,29-1111,29-1199,29-2061,31-1012","cip6Codes":"51.3800,51.3900","categoryId":5}}; Completion of all University Core Curriculum courses and/or Elective course before beginning RN-to-BSN professional courses (See RN-to-BSN Option Degree Plan) 9 hours of University Core Curriculum courses and/or Elective courses must be completed at UTEP; Admission Process. Concepts of Community and Population Health Nursing: 3: NURS 4347: Evaluating Risk in Healthcare: 3: NURS 4348: Health Intervention Design: 3: NURS 4349: Nursing Jurisprudence and Ethics: 3: NURS 4234: Integrating BSN Concepts: 2: NURS XXXX: Nursing Elective: 2: Total Semester Credit Hours: 16 We ensure you learn from top notch educators that can bring the Real World to the classroom! A strong faculty support system at Southwest University at El Paso ensures the success of each student that enrolls. The BSN Dean of Nursing has 25 years of experience working as a Registered Nurse and 18 years of experience in nursing education and administration.
Degree Finder
RNtoBSNProgram.com is an advertising-supported site. If you would like to have your school included in our rankings, or labeled as a supported school, please contact us. The nursing programs prepare students to earn an associate degree in nursing and give them the knowledge and experience they need to qualify and pass the NCLEX-RN exam to become a certified registered nurse. Low Performance managen. The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso (TTUHSC El Paso) Gayle Greve Hunt School of Nursing (GGHSON) offers unique opportunities for students who are not registered nurses to receive the latest state-of-the-art nursing education. Phone: (806) 743-1057. Nursing Programs have been ranked according to a matrix of the cost of the program and the NCLEX-RN Pass Rate. The minimum requirements for completion of the RN to BSN online degree are a total of 30 hours at UTEP, which must include 21 hours of RN to BSN nursing courses and an additional 9 hours to meet minimum residency requirements for graduation. El Paso, Texas is a unique city that creates an international metropolitan area with La Cruces New Mexico and Ciudad, Mexico. Texas Tech Health Science Center has been preparing nursing professionals for over 35 years. (t=r.reduce(function(t,n){return n.categories.forEach(function(e){t[e.id]=t[e.id]||e,t[e.id].degree=t[e.id].degree||[],t[e.id].degree.push(n.id)}),t},{}),t=Object.keys(t).map(function(e){return t[e]}),n=r.reduce(function(n,i){return i.categories.forEach(function(t){t.subjects.forEach(function(e){n[e.id]=n[e.id]||e,n[e.id].category=n[e.id].category||t.id,n[e.id].degree=n[e.id].degree||[],n[e.id].degree.push(i.id)})}),n},{}),n=Object.keys(n).map(function(e){return n[e]}),d=p.filter(function(e){return e.selected}),g=f.filter(function(e){return e.selected}),m=h.filter(function(e){return e.selected}),p=r.map(function(e){return e.selected=d[0]&&d[0].id==e.id||!1,e}),f=t.map(function(e){return e.selected=g[0]&&g[0].id==e.id||!1,e}).sort(function(e,t){return e.namet.name?1:0}),h=n.map(function(e){return e.selected=m[0]&&m[0].id==e.id||!1,e}).sort(function(e,t){return e.namet.name?1:0}),F()):console.error("Problem loading QDF feed. Texas Tech University System; Texas Tech University; TTUHSC El Paso; Angelo State University; State of Texas Website; Statewide Search (T.R.A.I.L) Online Institutional Resumes; Site Policies; Texas Homeland Security; SAO Fraud Reporting; DMCA Compliance; Compliance Hotline; Texas Veterans Portal; Mental Health Resources; Campus Carry UTEP’s online RN to BSN degree program offers the highest quality curriculum that teaches evidence-based practice. The need for well-educated and adequately trained nurses continues to increase and there are great nursing schools in El Paso, TX to help aspiring nurses get started on a rewarding career today. Nurses with the BSN degree can apply to the BSN to DNP program and move directly from the BSN degree to the DNP degree for the Family Nurse Practitioner track. "selected":"",' value="').concat(e.id,'" data-slug="').concat(e.slug,'">').concat(e.name,"\n ")}).join(""),"\n \n ")}).join(""),"\n ")}function L(){var e=q(),t=e.degree,n=e.category,i=(e.subject,!t||""===t),r=!n||""===n;a.disabled=i,c.disabled=i||r}function H(){var e=g[0]&&g[0].name;return!e||""===e?f.map(function(e){return e.selected=!1,e}):f}function A(){var e=m[0]&&m[0].name;return!e||""===e?h.map(function(e){return e.selected=!1,e}):h}function q(){var e=Object.values(o.children).filter(function(e){return e.selected}),t=Object.values(a.children).filter(function(e){return e.selected}),n=Object.values(c.children).filter(function(e){return e.selected});return{degree:e[0]&&e[0].value,category:t[0]&&t[0].value,subject:n[0]&&n[0].value}}function F(e){var t=q().degree;e&&e.target&&(p=p.map(function(e){return e.selected=e.id==t,e}));var i=t?p.filter(function(e){return e.selected}):p,n=f.filter(function(e){var n;return e.degree.forEach(function(t){i.forEach(function(e){t===e.id&&(n=!0)})}),n});o.innerHTML=T(r,p),t&&""!==t||(f=H(),h=A()),a.innerHTML=M(l,n),n=0'.concat(r,"\n ").concat(p.map(function(e){return"\n