intelligence support activity direct action

When conducting more integrated operations with other parts of the military, the skill of intelligence support comes into play. There was a chain barricade that the Serbian police (MUPs) used to block access to a side road that junctioned with highway M4. . Intelligence Support Activity | Military Wiki | Fandom Access to that road saved a considerable amount of travel time for support for an ongoing mission. Under Operation Winter Harvest, a small team of Delta Force technicians was dispatched to Italy to provide assistance with the search for Dozier. Subsequently, theyre protected by diplomatic immunity if theyre compromised during an espionage operation. Ultimately, Operation Credible Sport was cancelled but the FOG had proven its usefulness. While the nerdiest Green Berets and special operators comprise the bulk of ISA, there are also non-traditional operatives who have not passed the selection course. Some of the more well-documented operations of the ISA shed light on the general nature of the ISAs overall operations. Reconnaissance overflights revealed a possible location where POWs, still believed to be held by the Vietnamese early in the year. They must maintain a demeanour of trustworthiness and calmness, so any approached HUMINT sources feel safe and trusted. The decision was made to deploy another ISA unit. However, the ISA intercepted Iraqi communications that corroborated intelligence collected from his family members. Operation Anaconda highlights how vital of a role the ISA plays in the battlespace. Dozier was taken hostage and mistreated, with the Red Brigades viewing him as an ideological foe that needed to be made an example of. The exact breakdown of this squadron isnt known, however it is a reasonable assumption that its divided into troops based on the specific mission, such as airborne SIGINT or ground SIGINT. Upon return to the Pentagon, he re-assigned the ACSI POC out of FOG-related issues. Be sure to get the latest news about the U.S. military, as well as critical info about how to join and all the benefits of service. Members of FOG infiltrated Nicaragua using false passports. During the operation, a rivalry developed between Centra Spike, and a CIA intelligence unit named Majestic Eagle. Candidates then are put through a battery of assessment and selection courses as well as background checks and psychological testing. The unit is organized into several elements. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); This is especially useful in countries where men and women socializing is frowned upon outside of the family. Bickering between the CIA and JSOC further complicated matters. After a massive effort, including remote viewers from the United States, turned up nothing, a team of ISA signals intelligence specialists was also sent over to Italy to provide any assistance they could, along with sophisticated equipment and specially outfitted helicopters. It has since changed names several times to avoid media publicity, having been alternately known as the Tactical Concept Activity, the Tactical Coordination Detachment, the Tactical Support Team, and the Studies and Analysis Activity (SAA), among other designations. Once they arrived they took pictures of the embassy from every angle, recorded the types of locks on all doors, inside and outside, recorded the number of windows and exits, and created a blueprint of the building. Praesidus brings homage to the military watch tradition. The forms of intelligence gathered by the Activity include: The Activity is thought to made up of around 300 operators and is under the command of JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command). The exact makeup of ISAs force structure is hard to determine. US Air Force Pararescue | An investigation by journalist Mark Bowden (author of Blackhawk Down) revealed that in 1989, the Colombian government asked for US help in tracking down Escobar. How to join the intelligence support activity - Quora The ISA consistently attaches itself to other units, either as a temporary or more permanent component. Known as the Confederate Air Force, a joke refencing their title, the Army of Northern Virginia. Colonel Jerry King retained his position as the head of the group, now 100-strong and headquartered in a nondescript building in Arlington, Virginia. However, the CIA couldnt provide these answers so Delta turned to the FOG. 2023 The SOFREP Media Group. Im telling you, they are packed parachutes for you; all you have to do is jump they dont need any training or preparation they can do it all!. The Headquarters element of ISA is located in Fort Belvoir, VA but the squadrons and supporting elements are scattered across the Maryland/D.C./Virginia area. Rather than disbanding the unit, it was expanded. The Untold Story of Women in Special Operations, We Are Abandoning the Women of the Special Forces, SOAA Calls for Support of our Afghan Allies in The Hill, SOAA Supports Last Out: Elegy of a Green Beret. In one particular situation, Delta and Torn Victor agents supposedly donned French uniforms (Pale is in the French sector of the UN zone) and traveled to Pale hoping to conduct closer surveillance of his whereabouts. The following article on the Intelligence Support Activity was copied from online. Come again, Cantor? I was trying to make him look at me while he repeated that last instruction. Not wishing to be a dire critic, I found it rather novice of him, but drew another pick from my kit and threw open the lock. Direct action (DA) is a term used in the context of military special operations for small-scale raids, ambushes, sabotage or similar actions. "Perhaps the least known, and most classified unit within the realm of US special operations is the Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), a small, highly trained and capable intelligence unit. That close-holding of his cards was typical of him. (Source), Outlined as the primary purpose of the ISA since its inception, intelligence gathering is one of its most essential tasks. Their unique abilities are called upon when other special operations forces have not been able to complete their mission due to a gap in intelligence. The selection process for the ISA prioritizes both a physical skill for field operations and a skill for intelligence operations. This has been more visible in their operations in Afghanistan, Operation Winter Harvest and Operation Queens Hunter. You must become a subscriber or login to view or post comments on this article. USSOCOM receives, reviews, coordinates and prioritizes all Defense Department plans that support the global campaign against terrorism. Under the US Central Intelligence Agency's National Clandestine Service, there is a Special Activities Division to operate without apparent national identification for plausible deniability. })(); Intelligence Support Activity provides US special forces with intelligence gatherers, man hunters, assassins and deep penetration agents. They skillfully pushed the car down the dirt driveway and out onto the hardball road a-ways where they could hot-wire and start the car without being heard by the slumbering princesses in the safe house. In 1989, during Operation Just Cause, the American invasion of Panama, ISA proposed to deploy a team of its intelligence agents to track Manuel Noriega, but the offer was declined. The "Pakistani cook" piece, delivered as Delta boarded the aircraft, was viewed as an implausible source though subsequent inquiry revealed that the crucial info was available much earlier, but intentionally not shared for several reasons. (. (Dominique Sumner and Peter Tomich). The mandarins had inexplicably turned and ran south back to our home base leaving no rear guard for the main body. This is directed from , waaay above my pay grade yeah, I get it.. Featuring 931 new and updated case-based questions, organized into seven core areas of process design, this Self-Assessment will help you identify areas in which . (Source) The US military sought to carry out intelligence operations without the direct need of US intelligence agencies. Both Army and the Agency recognized the changed nature of the world and the requirements of the emerging terrorist/hostage issues. Gray Fox was formed in 1980 in response to the infamous failed rescue attempt of American hostages under Operation Eagle Claw in the Tehran embassy. Special Recon, Direct Action. find out more ISA was asked to form an Algerian-based plan and a Beirut-based one for rescue. Additionally, these operative can remotely turn on a cellphone thats been turned off, which allows them to hear everything going on near it. Cake duty! PDF (U) Results in Brief - U.S. Department of Defense ISA agents even managed to obtain Lebanese license plates, which would allow Delta to be parachuted in with their own cars, then 'legitimized' with the plates. Additionally, ISA gathers SIGINT primarily by intercepting enemy communications or sending an agent to physically bug a target. When operatives are in less restrictive environments they can often be seen carrying weapons used by locals, most often in the form of AKs. No unit is quite as secretive as the Intelligence Support Activity. The unit was raised in 1979 as the Foreign Operating Group (FOG), who was created to overthrow the Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza. Such as procuring equipment, getting funding for operations/training, and human resources functions. US Army Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) | ". Well, say that was certainly good news. But, it was also clear that some form of operational melding was essential to effectively address operational requirements. On Gen Meyer's departure, his successor, John Wickham, attempted to disband the unit, but Jack Marsh, in his role as ASD SO/LIC prevented it, and required it be retained, and resourced. Plus, they wouldnt have to load the car back up again the next day what a grand and magnanimous plan that proved to be. Killer Elite All Rights Reserved, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). ISA operatives are highly skilled in the various arts of HUMINT gathering including: (Source). The fleet was comprised of 15 different types of aircraft for a combined total of 40 aircraft, all decked out with SIGINT interception technology. SIGINT operations extended to areas with overlapping guerrilla operations, such as Nicaragua, which was facing the increased foe of the Contras. INSCOM's functional brigades and groups may provide general support, general support reinforcing, or direct sup-port to theaters through intelligence reach, or they may be More technical training on SIGINT, such as transmission and signals interpretation is also a component of the training. The ISA considers ethnicity of agents when they are deployed. Ironically, the embassy in Iran was on their itinerary, but, history intervened, and it was overrun by a mob who took the larger part of the staff hostage. By the time though, the situation had begun to subside. The Beechcrafts were made to appear normal from the outside, save for a wingspan six inches longer. ISA operators were said to be so skilled that they could tell whether a tank needed a tune-up from background noise of transmissions. The whole force drove north as planned, putting Kay and me upfront to clear ahead and report back to the assault force. Sadly, the team's evaluation did not serve to upgrade American security standards, and a truck bomb exploded from within 40 feet of the embassy entrance later that year. I could tell by her skunk-eye that she had a dagger in the pipe ready to launch, so I lightened up. Federal Bureau of Prisons Special Operations Response Team (SORT), " Veritas Omnia Vincula Vincit (Source). The ISA's HUMINT collectors gather information from human sources via coercion and interrogation depending on the asset. They marked secret infiltration routes and bases American forces could use if they were ever sent into the country. Task Force Orange: Supporting Delta Force | SOFREP Nowadays the ISA focuses on the preparation of the battlespace for military operations across the globe. Cowan and another ISA agent managed to drive through every sector of Beirut, even the Shiite suburb, a dangerous practice at the time. Talk about close target recce. Thats pretty frickin ballsy. Two people with a lockpick kit and a camera. Some forces were focused on eliminating Iraqi forces and others focused on deposing the ruling Hussein family. In Evaluating Immunities before a Special Tribunal for Aggression Against Ukraine, the Type of Tribunal Matters, Chinas Ferry Tale Taiwan Invasion Plan Is A Legal Nightmare, China Maritime Report No. The JTF was largely dependent upon the CIA to provide the vital confirming HUMINT as to the hostage location. Unless you plan to body-check those cars I would junk up.. He had literally tried to muscle open the lock with tools designed for a sincerely delicate operation. 160th SOAR | Working alongside SEASPRAY, a specialized aviation unit that would later form a part of Delta Force, the ISA would conduct aerial SIGINT operations to assist the Salvadoran Army against guerrillas. ISA was close to making the exchange, but the deal fell through at the last minute. FOG became permanent and renamed ISA on March 3, 1981. Later that same year, Delta Force and ISA operators were sent to Saudi Arabia to help organize and train a Special Purpose Detachment of the Saudi National Guard. In 2003 the CIA and ISA conducted a joint operation in Somalia. Wickham did transfer authority to the ACSI with predictable and less than beneficial results. When the CIA took credit for Centra Spike's work, the Army became furious and a competition was arranged between the two units. The FOG was able to clandestinely enter Tehran and gather the required intelligence. 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ISA has been known to utlizes signal skimmers to pick up enemy radio transmissions and zero in on their location. It is not certain that ISA operators were on the scene at the moment of his capture, but the operational intelligence provided was critical to the success of the operation. Each chapter of the book brings a new chapter of the Activity's operations like Lebanon, where its efforts to rescue US hostages was stymied by its own government or Bosnia where it hunted down war criminals. The Birth of the Field Operations Group (Later Intelligence Support Activity / Secret Army of Northern Virginia), Part 1 of 3 - Rangers and TF160/SOAR to Follow. Authors cartoon depicting the mandarins installing the soon-to-be compromised surveillance camera. As such, the activities and specifics of Gray Fox are not widely made available. Once inside, Centra Spike agents would plug in laptops into the airplane's power and could simultaneously track four frequencies. Enterprise Scalable Data Center Groundbreaking Ceremony Delta Force | Delta's deployment was stalled by bureaucratic dealings, so ISA mobilized its most compartmentalized unit, the direct action element, the shooters. (Source). Bravo and Delta troops utilize commercial or non-official cover. It is unclear how often the ISA interrogates subjects, though given their covert operations they likely at least interrogate high-value targets. Once a member of the ISA passes the initial selection, it trains alongside different intelligence specialists, including members of the CIA. Candidates pulled from computer records, or by word of mouth were required to pass a tough selection course, physical and psychological tests. Landing zones were established, Lebanese militias contacted for help, and plans formulated for a commando force. _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-21361708-1']); Hostages were dispersed around Beirut and those with Jewish sounding names were being isolated. Royal Cape, Granite Rock and Powder Keg were some, Centra Spike and Torn Victor being other possible cover names. It built a reputation for daring, flexibility and a degree of lawlessness. A Congressional hearing was held, and the media revealed the existence of a 'classified military intelligence unit'. "Known as the Intelligence Support Activity, or ISA, when it was established in 1981, this unit fought in drug wars and counter-terror operations from the Middle East to South America. Gen Meyer demurred on the request, citing the several parts of the world where Army FOG personnel were actively supporting SOF elements, the Agency, and CINC. Though its history is relatively brief and known missions it has undertaken even briefer, it has become one of the most interesting and influential special operations groups at the disposal of JSOC and the US military. The unit would be immediately deployed to any country where a terrorist act against the United States had taken place, and would start providing critical intelligence, as well as setting up landing zones and infiltration routes for the counter-terrorist force. With dramatis personae that include the CIA, Delta Force, DEVGRU, the Intelligence Support Activity, Pakistani Commandos, the Taliban, and spies from Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Agency (ISI), this story has the makings of a future Brad Thor bestseller. HUMINT collection cant be done without boots on the ground, so members of the main battalions are likely conducting field operations. However, his several interventions and temporary blockage of many initiatives, showed that his primary intent was to arrest the development and contain the capability. The CIA was leading extraordinary rendition operations in Somalia in conjunction with the ISA and the help of local warlords. For the four main battalions, numbering in total over 300 operators, there are different roles members could fall into. With the expansion, the FOG has renamed the ISA and officially established as a unit on January 29th, 1981. (Source). (Source) Training involves different espionage and intelligence methods that allow ISA members to carry out their essential HUMINT operations. The situation looked dire. The Intelligence Support Activity conducts its operations during and in advance of US military operations. As such discussing their capabilities is frowned upon. Originally the unit was known as the Field Operations Group or FOG and was designed to fill the Armys need for clandestine intelligence collection. ( Boss Cantor seemed satisfied with how the mandarins gathered the necessary hardware for the mission and then marched smartly out the door. As the name implies, SIGINT Squadron is responsible for ISAs signals intelligence mission. Within these battalions, there is a cyber ops teams, technology ops teams and mission support teams. The US Department of Defense has defined direct action as "Short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and which employ specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets. Intelligence Support Activity - SourceWatch In all cases, the Congressional members voiced support. The aim of the operation was to monitor cross-border raids and movements of Sandinista forces and rebels in El Salvador. US ARMY INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT ACTIVITY - YouTube The force is supposedly around 250-275 operators. There are also teams within the ISA who can conduct direct action missions should the need arise. Its purpose is unlike many other special operations forces of the US military, not dedicated to direct combat, and more towards secretive and clandestine actions necessary to support other military operations. All information and multimedia on comes from a wide number of sources. This extra length concealed the main eavesdropping antennas, while others could be lowered from the belly while in flight. (Source) Operatives must not look out of placeor easily recognizable. Operatives can covertly enter enemy buildings to plant cameras. Intelligence Support Activity The Army's most obscure special-ops unit is the roughly 300-strong Intelligence Support Activity, formed in 1981, which has gone by various codenames over the years. ISA focuses on gathering human intelligence based on contact with field agents, and signals intelligence (intercepted communications) to support Delta Force and DEVGRU operations. According to The Secret War by William M. Arkin, published in the Los Angeles Times on October 27, 2002, "The Army created a highly compartmentalized organization that could collect clandestine intelligence independent of the rest of the U.S. intelligence community and follow through with covert military action. At the point of execution, the road became bureaucratically bumpy. 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